Karena Angell
Karena Angell
@renuy @microwavables @cppforlife please provide an update here in August outlining how maintainer and project growth is going cc: @dims
Looking forward to seeing the Tekton maintainers in TAG App Delivery on May 15. For TOC, TAG and any community members, [add to your calendar](https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/r?cid=linuxfoundation.org_o5avjlvt2cae9bq7a95emc4740@group.calendar.google.com) to join.
It looks like we have quorum! I'll set up the kick-off meeting and invite you all.
Please join the [#wg-dtr](https://cloud-native.slack.com/archives/C06UK3WDY3V) slack channel on CNCF slack - we'll coordinate the kick-off meeting there!
**Thank you** everyone for the continued momentum with the DTRs. Please comment and review on the [General Technical Questions document](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GQfeu4okLcdLnjvW8yHLnwygDeCBl6lKPm_1IiHxtP4/edit). Starting this week we have been going into deeper technical...