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ElasticSearch connector for Rails - Abandoned!
Connects any Rails model with ElasticSearch, supports near real time updates, distributed indexing and models that integrate data from many databases.
Currently only rails 2.3 is supported. You will need ElasticSearch, the 'rubberband' gem and (if you want to use the optional distributed indexing mode) Redis.
First, download and start ElasticSearch (it's really simple). With the default setup of of ElasticSearch (listening to localhost and port 9200) no configuration of the plugin is necessary.
To define an index, simply add a line to your model
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
To create the index, execute the rake task that rebuilds all indexes:
rake escargot:index
Or restrict it to just one model
rake "escargot:index[Post]"
And you are ready to search: "dreams OR nightmares"
Near Real Time support
The default behavior is that every time you save or delete a record in an indexed model the index will be updated to reflect the changes. You can disable this by
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
elastic_index :updates => false
Please notice that when updates are enabled there may be a slight delay for the changes to appear
in search results (with the default elasticsearch settings, this delay is just 1 second). If
you absolutely need to ensure that the change is made public before returning control to the user,
the :immediate_with_refresh
option provides this assurance.
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
elastic_index :updates => :immediate_with_refresh
Enabling :immediate_with_refresh
is not recommended. A better option is to simply call Post.refresh_index
when you really need the guarantee.
Choosing the indexed fields
This plugin doesn't provide a DSL to define what fields you want to be indexed. Instead of that it exposes the fact that in ElasticSearch every document is just a JSON string.
If you define a indexed_json_document
method in your model this will be used as the JSON
representation of the document, otherwise to_json
will be called instead.
Luckily, ActiveRecord has excellent support for JSON serialization, so it's really easy to include associations or custom methods.
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
elastic_index :updates => false
belongs_to :category
def indexed_json_document
to_json(:include => :category, :methods => :slug)
def slug
title.downcase.gsub(" ", "-")
See ActiveRecord's JSON serialization documentation
Search features
Basic Searching
obtains from ElasticSearch the ids of the results matching
your query and then queries your database to get the full ActiveRecord objects.
results = "dreams OR nightmares"
results.each {|r| puts r.title}
The query is parsed using lucene's QueryParser syntax. You can use boolean operators, restrict your search to a field, etc.
results = "prologue:dream OR epilogue:nightmare"
You can also guide the interpretation of the query, with the options :default_operator
and :df
(default_field). These two are equivalent:
results = "title:(dreams AND nightmares)"
results = "dreams nightmares" , :default_operator => 'AND', :df => 'title'
Sorting by attributes
The default order is based on the relevancy of the terms in the document. You can also sort by any other field's value. "dreams", :order => :updated_at "dreams", :order => 'updated_at:desc' "dreams", :order => ['popularity:desc', 'updated_at:desc']
Sorting by an arbitrary script is possible using the Query DSL.
returns a WillPaginate collection and accepts the customary :per_page, and :page parameters.
# controller
@posts ="dreams", :page => params[:page], :per_page => 30)
# in the view:
will_paginate @posts
Query DSL
Instead of a string, you can pass a query in ElasticSearch's Query DSL giving you access to the full range of search features. => { }) => {:name => 'oriale'}) => {:query => {:match_all => { } }, :script => "random()"}) => {
:tie_breaker => 0.7,
:boost => 1.2,
:queries => [:term => {:name => 'oriole'}, :term => {:content => 'oriole'}]
}) => {
:like_text => "The orioles are a family of Old World passerine birds"
:filtered => {
:query => {
:term => {:name => 'oriole'}
:filter => {
:term => {:suborder => 'Passeri'}
Query DSL with API Search
Any query Hash in Escargot a is a Query DSL by default, so anything you put in the first param is wrapper with the term "query", but sometimes you need puts some params out Query DSL, using options of API Search, you can do this using the option :query_dsl => false in the query Hash, of course remember to put the term :query => {your query} to work correctly (
:track_scores =>true,
:sort =>[ {
:name => {:reverse => true }
:query => {
:term => {:name => "john"}
:query_dsl => false
Term facets returning the most popular terms for a field and partial results counts are
available through the facets
class method.
Post.facets :author_id
Post.facets :author_id, :size => 100
# restrict the facets to posts that contain 'dream'
Post.facets :author_id, :query => "dream"
Post.facets [:author_id, :category], :query => "dream"
This returns a Hash of the form:
:author_id => {
"1" => 3,
"25" => 2
:category_id => {
12 => 4,
42 => 7,
47 => 2
You should be aware that this only a very simple subset of the facets feature of ElasticSearch. The full feature set (histograms, statistical facets, geo distance facets, etc.) is available through the Query DSL.
Search counts
Use search_count
to count the number of matches without getting the results.
Post.search_count("dream OR nightmare")
Index Creation and Type Mapping Options
Index creation options
Any value passed in the :index_options argument will be sent to ElasticSearch as an index creation option.
For example, if you want to increase the number of shards for this index:
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
elastic_index :index_options => {:number_of_shards => 10}
If you want the search to be insensitive to accents and other diacritics:
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
elastic_index :index_options => {
"analysis.analyzer.default.tokenizer" => 'standard',
"analysis.analyzer.default.filter" => ["standard", "lowercase", "stop", "asciifolding"]
The full list of available options for index creation is documented at
Mapping options
Mapping is the process of defining how a JSON document should be mapped to the Search Engine, including its searchable characteristics.
The default (dynamic) mapping provides sane defaults, but defining your own mapping enables powerful features such as boosting a field, using a different analyzer for one field, enabling term vectors, etc.
Some examples:
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
elastic_index :mapping_options => {
:properties => {
:category => {:type => :string, :index => :not_analyzed},
:title => {:type => :string, :index => :analyzed, :term_vector => true, :boost => 10.0},
:location => {:type => :geo_point}
See the ElasticSearch Documentation for mappings.
Distributed indexing
You will need distributed indexing when there is a large amount of data to be indexed. In this indexing mode the task of creating an index is divided between a pool of workers that can be as large as you need. Since ElasticSearch itself provides linear indexing scalability by adding nodes to the cluster, this means that you should, in principle, be able to make your indexing time arbitrarily short.
Currently, the only work queue supported is Resque. To enable distributed indexing you should first install Redis and set-up Resque.
If you're on OS X and use homebrew, installing redis can be done with:
brew install redis
redis-server /usr/local/etc/redis.conf
Install the resque gem:
$ gem install resque
Include it on your application:
require 'resque'
Add this to your Rakefile:
require 'resque/tasks'
namespace :resque do
task :setup => :environment
And use the resque:work rake task to start a worker:
$ QUEUE=es_admin,es_nrt,es_batch rake resque:work
Once you have set-up Resque and started a number of workers, you can easily create an index for you model using the distributed model:
rake "elasticsearch:distributed_index[Post]"
or if you want to re-create all your indexes
rake elasticsearch:distributed_index
Be aware that due the distributed nature of indexing the new index may be deployed when some workers are still performing their last indexing job.
Setting up a resque work queue also allows you to use the :update => :enqueue option
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
elastic_index :update => :enqueue
With this setting when a document is updated or deleted the task of updating the index is added to the work queue and will be performed asynchronously by a remote agent.
Index versions
In escargot indexes are versioned: when you create an index for the model Post the actual index created in ElasticSearch will be named something like 'posts_1287849616.57665' with an alias 'posts' pointing to it. The second time you run the "escargot:index" tasks a new index version will be created and the alias will be updated only when the new index is ready.
This is useful because it makes the deployment of a new index version atomic.
When a document is saved and index updates are enabled, both the current index version and any version that's in progress will be updated. This ensures that when the new index is published it will include the change.
Searching multiple models
You can use all the same syntax to search across all indexed models in your application: "dreams"
Calling "dreams"
will return all objects that match, no matter what model they are from, ordered by relevance
If you want to limit global searches to a few specific models, you can do so with the :classes
option "dreams", :classes => [Post, Bird]
Support similar behavior that Basic Searching
and Search counts
Fork on GitHub, create a test & send a pull request.
Use the Issue Tracker
- Some parts of the API plagiarize the excellent Thinking Sphinx plugin, and more will do so in the future.
- This plugin depends on rubberband for communication with ElasticSearch.
- Elastic Search rules!
Future Plans
Search features:
- Field conditions and term filters
- Single-table inheritance support
- (optionally) use the _source field from ES and avoid querying the database
Indexing features:
- Distributing the task of listing document ids
- Index partioning
- Support for non-ActiveRecord models
- Adding other queue backends
Copyright (c) 2010 Angel Faus &, released under the MIT license