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[CVPR'17] Shape Completion using 3D-Encoder-Predictor CNNs and Shape Synthesis

Results 9 cnncomplete issues
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hey guys, got this code vector class_names; ifstream ifs(string("F:\\DNN\\alphabet_36.txt").c_str()); string line; while (getline(ifs, line)) { class_names.push_back(line); } if (Rotated_Image.empty()) { cout

Hi, I saw there are two stages of this method, where the first one is the network training and the second one is the multi-resolution shape synthesis. I assume the...

Hi, I am interested in your paper. I have a problem when running the code, as follows: hp@hp-HP-Z840-Workstation:~/cnncomplete-master/torch$ th ______ __ | Torch7 / Debian /_ __/__ ________/ / |...

Is there any open source converter to convert obj/ply/pcd files to tsdf/sdf?

Hi, I have faced an error when running the test script. I am using cuda 9.0, so I installed cudnn by this command `git clone -b R7 && cd...

Matlab returns error when executes the command "mat2obj('%s', '%s', %d);", matfilename, objfilename, isoval) generated in test.lua. How can I find the implementation of the mat2obj function, please? Thanks.

Hi, When I run the training command as you said on Readme. It said that I don't have "getLinesFromFile" `/home/bonnie/torch/install/bin/luajit: train_class.lua:31: attempt to call global 'getLinesFromFile' (a nil value) stack...

Hi, Thanks a lot for this great code! I meet a problem when I tried to run the test code. First, I am not sure what is the difference between...

Hi I have successfully compiled the code, but while executing the sample script I get the following error > /home/siddharth/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/hdf5/init.lua:15 Unable to find the HDF5 lib we were built against...