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Attempt at an oscilloscope application for the flipper zero


To compile and install

cd flipperzero-firmware/applications_user
git clone https://github.com/anfractuosity/flipperscope.git
cd ..
./fbt DEBUG=1 VERBOSE=1 fap_scope
./fbt launch_app APPSRC=applications_user/flipperscope

Alternatively the binary can now be installed from https://lab.flipper.net/apps/flipperscope or the Flipper Mobile App.

Provide signal to pin 16/PC0, with a voltage ranging from 0V to 2.5V and ground to pin 18/GND.

Press the 'ok' button (button in the centre of joypad) to pause/unpause the waveform display.

Demo showing three different waveform types from a signal generator.

Also see Derek Jamison's demonstration of this app as well as other interesting projects.


  • Measures frequency of waveform in hertz
  • Measures voltage: min, max, Vpp

Signal Generator

Flipper Zero running flipperscope


Flipper Zero running flipperscope

Processing captures

You can use the following simple Python script, for processing the captured waveforms, from flipperscope.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import struct

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
data = open("Sine.dat", "rb").read()
y = [(float(x[0]) / 2500) * 2.5 for x in struct.iter_unpack("<H", data)]
x = np.arange(len(y))

ax.plot(x, y, label='Voltage')
ax.set_ylabel('Voltage / V')
ax.set_title('ADC Voltage')
ax.set_ylim([0, 2.5])

Captured waveform

To Do

  • Customisable input pin
  • Trigger type mode
  • FFT
  • ...


  • For GUI menu system, used code principles from weather station and signal generator apps
  • STM32 DMA example
  • VREFBUF information - https://community.st.com/s/question/0D53W00001awIlMSAU/enable-and-use-vrefbuf-for-adc-measures
  • Relocating vector table - https://community.nxp.com/t5/i-MX-Processors/Relocate-vector-table-to-ITCM/m-p/1302304