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exBankID is a simple stateless API-client for the Swedish BankID API


license: MIT test Coverage Status hex version


ExBankID is a simple stateless elixir client for the Swedish BankID API.


This library is available as a package on hex.pm and can be installed by adding {:ex_bank_id, "~> 0.2.2", hex: :exBankID} to your list of dependencies in mix.exs.

Optional dependencies:

This library depends on an implementation of ExBankID.Http.Client and ExBankID.Json.Handler to be available. If no custom implementations are declared in the config or in the opts passed to the functions in ExBankID the default implementations will be used. For the defaults to work the add this to your list of dependencies in mix.exs

{:poison, "~> 4.0"} # Add this to your deps if you want to use the default json handler
{:httpoison, "~> 1.7"} # Add this to your deps if you want to use the default http client


# config/config.exs

config :ex_bank_id,
  # Using a custom http client. Should be a module that implements ExBankID.Http.Client.
  # Defaults to ExBankID.Http.Default
  http_client: MyApp.Http.Client

  # Using a custom json handler. Should be a module that implements ExBankID.Json.Handler.
  # Defaults to ExBankID.Json.Default
  json_handler: MyApp.Json.Handler

  # The path to the client cert file used to authenticate with the BankID API
  # Defaults to the test cert in the assets directory.
  cert_file: "/path/to/cert/file.pem"

  # BankID API url
  # Defaults to "https://appapi2.test.bankid.com/rp/v5.1/"
  url: "https://appapi2.bankid.com/rp/<api version 5 or 5.1>/"

All the above configuration options can be overridden by setting the new value for the corresponding key in the opts Keyword list passed to any of the functions in ExBankID.


# This will override the url in the config.
ExBankID.auth("", url: "my.mock-server.local")

# This will override the configured/default json handler and url
ExBankID.auth("", json_handler: Custom.Json.Handler, url: "my.mock-server.local")

Basic usage

# Authenticate with ip address and optionally the personal number (12 digits)
iex> {:ok, authentication} = ExBankID.auth("", personal_number: "190000000000")
   autoStartToken: "3241031e-d849-4e3a-a662-1a36e65eff93",
   orderRef: "9b69419c-b3ac-4f7c-9796-bf54f1a4e40b",
   qrStartSecret: "c0846df5-f96d-49c0-9ef5-4126cd9376e9",
   qrStartToken: "3fb97679-98cb-42da-afe6-62aecbaaab7e"

# Collect the status of the initiated authentication either with the orderRef
# or with the ExBankID.Auth.Response struct
iex> {:ok, collect_response} = ExBankID.collect("9b69419c-b3ac-4f7c-9796-bf54f1a4e40b")
   completionData: %ExBankID.Collect.CompletionData{
     cert: %{},
     device: %{},
     ocspResponse: nil,
     signature: nil,
     user: %ExBankID.Collect.User{
       givenName: nil,
       name: nil,
       personalNumber: nil,
       surname: nil
   hintCode: "outstandingTransaction",
   orderRef: "1fadf49f-c695-4bb3-869a-61aee9678009",
   status: "pending"

 # Using ExBankID.Auth.Response struct
 iex> {:ok, collect_response} = ExBankID.collect(authentication)
   completionData: %ExBankID.Collect.CompletionData{
     cert: %{},
     device: %{},
     ocspResponse: nil,
     signature: nil,
     user: %ExBankID.Collect.User{
       givenName: nil,
       name: nil,
       personalNumber: nil,
       surname: nil
   hintCode: "outstandingTransaction",
   orderRef: "1fadf49f-c695-4bb3-869a-61aee9678009",
   status: "pending"

 # When authentication is completed by the end user the fields in CompletionData will
 # be populated.

 #User signing a given message.
 iex> {:ok, sign} = ExBankID.sign(
                "This will be displayed in the BankID app",
                personal_number: "190000000000",    # Optional
                user_non_visible_data: "Not displayed" # Optional
   autoStartToken: "c7b67410-c376-4d27-9aff-f7e331082619",
   orderRef: "90b3816d-c1d3-4650-aa4d-26d9996160de",
   qrStartSecret: "f28787ec-a554-4db4-90c6-dd662dd249bc",
   qrStartToken: "c7a2373b-9a7a-470f-816f-0af0c3d82053"
# Collecting is done the same way as for a authentication.

# Canceling a sign or authentication
iex> {:ok, _} = ExBankID.cancel(authentication)
{:ok, %{}}