Paul Garner
Paul Garner
I tried using separate buffers: ```python from pathlib import Path import moderngl import moderngl_window as mglw import numpy as np BASE_PATH = Path(__file__).resolve().parent.parent TEXTURE_PATH = BASE_PATH / "textures" VERTEX_SHADER =...
The system info logged by moderngl: ``` 2021-03-26 23:16:11,448 - moderngl_window - INFO - Attempting to load window class: moderngl_window.context.pyglet.Window 2021-03-26 23:16:12,308 - moderngl_window.context.base.window - INFO - Context Version: 2021-03-26...
that doesn't explain why the separate arrays + buffers version is broken?
taking the original example but specifying the dtype as: ```python dtype=np.dtype([ ("x", "f4"), ("y", "f4"), ("u", "f4"), ("v", "f4"), ("tx", "
here's the test code without a texture image we can see the problem just by applying the "texture id" value to the red channel of `fragColor` ```python import moderngl import...
or again, the two buffer version with no texture image: ```python import moderngl import moderngl_window as mglw import numpy as np VERTEX_SHADER = """ #version 330 in vec2 vertXY; in...
For comparison... on my M1 macbook the two-buffer code now works fine with a numpy `u4` array, `u` on the buffer and `uint` in the shader but the one buffer...
I tried making a "one buffer" version of your debug code: ```python import struct import moderngl import numpy as np ctx = moderngl.create_context(standalone=True) # We need a dummy framebuffer even...
FWIW, again on the M1... ``` vertex_data = np.array( ... dtype="f4, f4, u4", ) print(np.__version__) print(vertex_data.flags) ``` prints: ``` 1.20.1 C_CONTIGUOUS : True F_CONTIGUOUS : True OWNDATA : True WRITEABLE...
I was trying to work out how to achieve something like "Instanced Arrays" as described here with moderngl Should I understand from the above proposal to add an `instance_buffer`...