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A jquery plugin for enhancing browser CSS3 style support

JSS by Andy Kent

JSS is a plugin to the jQuery JavaScript library. It is designed to make all jQuery selectors available within your standard CSS files. This effectively means that you get full CSS3 selector support in all jQuery supported browsers.


$(document).ready(function() { $.jss.apply(); });


$.jss.loadExternalStyles - Boolean - true Use this to turn off the loading of styles in external files, by default these are loaded which causes additional ajax requests back to the server.

$.jss.disableCaching - Boolean - false Turning this on will disable selector caching, selector caching can be good and bad, it can drastically improve performance if you have lots of styles with identical or patially identical selectors but it can be wasteful of memory where you have lots of completely different selectors.

$.jss.checkMediaTypes - Boolean - true When this is activated JSS will obey media attributes on link and style tags and only apply the styles if the media context is active. THIS IS EXPERIMENTAL.

$.jss.exclude - Array - [2] An array of srings (exact match) or regular expressions. these are compared against each selector and matches are not applied. A useful example might be classes with a hover state... $.jss.exclude.push(/:hover$/); Exclude has some sensible defaults set to ignore simple selectors which are already fully supported.

$.jss.only - Array - [0] An array of strings (exact match) or regular expressions. only selectors that match one of these rules will be processed by JSS. This can greatly improve performance if you only have one or two selectors that need applying.

$.jss.liveUpdates - Boolean - false Turn this option on to live update css styles as the page changes. You will need the livequery plugin installed to use this option. NOTE: this option is a significant performance hit and should be considered an Alpha feature.

$.jss.addBehavior('property', behaviourFunction('selector', 'value')) This function can be used to add callbacks to a css property, whenever the css property is found the callback is fired along with the selector string and property value. e.g. $.jss.addBehavior('border-radius', function(selector, value){ if($.browser.msie) $(elems).curvyCorners(value); });


Andy Kent [email protected] Daniel Wachsstock [email protected] Rafael Santos [email protected] Angelo Berios [email protected]