ClockworkForDynamo copied to clipboard
Hello CPython!
The following nodes contain Python nodes which need to be converted into CPython:
- [ ] All Elements Of Category+
- [ ] All Elements Of Class+
- [ ] All Elements of Family Type+
- [ ] All Families Of Category
- [ ] All Family Types Of Category
- [ ] All Intersecting Elements Of Category By BoundingBox
- [ ] All Intersecting Elements Of Category By Vector
- [ ] All View-Dependent Family Instances Of Category
- [ ] AngularDimension.ByElements
- [x] Application.BasicFileInfo
- [x] Application.Version
- [x] AreaSeparator.FromCurve
- [x] Array.AssociatedFamilyParameter
- [x] Array.GroupType
- [x] Assembly.AddMembers
- [x] Assembly.Disassemble
- [x] Assembly.FromElements
- [x] Assembly.Members
- [x] Assembly.RemoveMembers
- [x] Binary.FromDecimal
- [x] Binary.ToDecimal
- [x] Booleans.CountBlocks
- [x] BoundingBox.FromDynamoBoundingBox
- [x] Buckyball.ByOriginAndRadius
- [ ] BuiltInCategory.FromInput
- [x] CardinalDirectionFromAngle
- [x] Category.FromInput
- [x] Category.Material
- [x] Category.ResetMaterial
- [x] Category.SetMaterial
- [x] Category.Subcategories
- [x] Category.Type
- [x] Clipboard.GetFrom
- [x] Clipboard.SendTo
- [x] Color.ByName
- [x] Color.FromDynamoColor
- [x] Color.Name
- [x] Color.ToDynamoColor
- [x] ConvexHull.2DbyUV
- [x] CurtainPanel.HostPanel
- [x] CurtainPanel.IsPhantomPanel
- [x] CustomNode.Properties
- [x] DateTime.CalendarWeek
- [x] DateTime.IsEarlier
- [x] DateTime.IsLater
- [x] DesignOption.DesignOptionSet
- [x] DesignOption.IsPrimary
- [x] DetailComponent.ByCurve
- [x] DetailCurve.ByCurve+
- [x] Dimension.AssociatedFamilyParameter
- [x] Dimension.ReferencedElements
- [ ] DirectShape.FromRevitGeometry
- [ ] DisplayUnit.ToInternalUnit
- [x] DividedSurface.AddIntersect
- [x] DividedSurface.EvaluateGridNodes
- [ ] Document.AddLink
- [ ] Document.BuiltInCategories
- [ ] Document.BuiltInParameters
- [ ] Document.ComputeVolumes
- [ ] Document.ElementClasses
- [ ] Document.Enums
- [ ] Document.IsWorkshared
- [ ] Document.LoadFamily
- [ ] Document.PerformanceAdviserRules
- [ ] Document.Phases
- [ ] Document.ProjectInfo
- [x] Document.ProjectParameters
- [x] Document.ProjectParametersByCategory
- [ ] Document.ProjectPosition
- [ ] Document.SaveAs
- [x] Document.Schemas
- [ ] Document.SetComputeVolumes
- [ ] Document.StartingView
- [ ] Document.SynchronizeWithCentral
- [ ] Document.UnitTypes
- [ ] Document.Views
- [ ] Document.Worksets
- [x] Door.Rooms
- [x] Dynamo.Version
- [ ] Element.AllInstances
- [ ] Element.AllInstancesAtLevel
- [ ] Element.AllViewDependentInstances
- [x] Element.Area
- [x] Element.Assembly
- [x] Element.AssociatedFamilyParameters
- [ ] Element.ByID
- [ ] Element.Category+
- [ ] Element.CopyByVector
- [ ] Element.CopyToLevel
- [x] Element.CurtainGridLines
- [ ] Element.CutGeometry
- [x] Element.DependentElements
- [x] Element.DesignOption
- [ ] Element.ElementType+
- [x] Element.ExtensibleStorageData
- [ ] Element.ExternalFileReferencePath
- [ ] Element.FromDynamoSurface
- [ ] Element.Geometry+
- [x] Element.Group
- [ ] Element.Host+
- [ ] Element.ID+
- [ ] Element.Inserts
- [ ] Element.IsOfCategory
- [ ] Element.IsRelatedToMass
- [ ] Element.JoinGeometry
- [ ] Element.Level
- [ ] Element.Location+
- [x] Element.Materials+
- [ ] Element.Mirror
- [ ] Element.MoveToPoint
- [ ] Element.Name+
- [ ] Element.OwnerView
- [x] Element.Panels
- [ ] Element.Phases
- [x] Element.ResetSlabShape
- [ ] Element.SetMaterialParameterByCategory
- [ ] Element.SetName
- [ ] Element.SetSubCategory
- [ ] Element.SetType
- [ ] Element.SetWorkset
- [ ] Element.SlabShapeByPoints
- [ ] Element.SlabShapeHasBeenModified
- [ ] Element.SubComponents
- [ ] Element.SuperComponent
- [ ] Element.Workset
- [x] ElevationMarker.Views
- [ ] Enum.Values
- [x] Family.HasRoomCalculationPoint
- [x] Family.HostingBehavior
- [x] Family.IsEditable
- [x] Family.IsInPlace
- [x] Family.PlacementType
- [x] Family.Types+
- [x] FamilyDocument.CurrentFamilyType
- [x] FamilyDocument.FamilyParameters
- [x] FamilyDocument.FamilyTypes
- [x] FamilyDocument.Properties
- [ ] FamilyInstance.AddCoping
- [x] FamilyInstance.ByCurve
- [x] FamilyInstance.ByPointInView
- [ ] FamilyInstance.CopingElements
- [ ] FamilyInstance.FlipFacingOrientation
- [ ] FamilyInstance.FlipFromToRoom
- [ ] FamilyInstance.FlipHandOrientation
- [ ] FamilyInstance.HandOrientation
- [ ] FamilyInstance.IsMirrored
- [ ] FamilyInstance.RemoveCoping
- [ ] FamilyInstance.SetLevel
- [x] FamilyParameter.GetValueByFamilyType
- [x] FamilyParameter.MakeInstance
- [x] FamilyParameter.MakeType
- [x] FamilyParameter.Properties
- [x] FamilyParameter.SetFormula
- [ ] FamilyType.CompoundStructureHasVariableLayer
- [ ] FamilyType.CompoundStructureLayers
- [ ] FamilyType.Duplicate
- [ ] FamilyType.Function
- [ ] FamilyType.SetCompoundLayerMaterial
- [ ] FamilyType.SetCompoundLayerWidth
- [x] FibonacciSequence.FromList
- [x] FileSystem.FileCreated
- [x] FileSystem.FileLastAccessed
- [x] FileSystem.FileLastModified
- [x] FileSystem.FileSize
- [x] FilledRegionType.FillPatterns
- [x] FillPatternElement.IsSolidFill
- [x] FootingType.BreaksAtInserts
- [x] GenericForm.IsSolid
- [x] Group.FromElements
- [x] Group.IsMirrored
- [x] Group.Ungroup
- [x] GroupType.Groups
- [x] Hex.FromDecimal
- [x] Hex.ToDecimal
- [x] ImportInstance.IsLinked
- [ ] InternalUnit.ToDisplayUnit
- [x] Level.Views
- [x] List.Chop+
- [x] List.GroupListOfListsByKey
- [x] List.JoinByKey
- [x] List.MatchWithKeyValues
- [x] List.ReplaceItemAtIndex+
- [x] List.ReplaceNull
- [x] List.SortListOfLists
- [x] MassFloor.Mass
- [x] Material.Assets
- [x] Material.Duplicate
- [x] ModelCurve.Type
- [x] Object.Members
- [x] ParameterElement.SetAllowVaryBetweenGroups
- [x] ParameterFilterElement.FilterRuleString
- [x] ParameterFilterElement.Parameters
- [x] Part.SourceElement
- [ ] PathGraph.AllPaths
- [ ] PathGraph.ByPairs
- [ ] PathGraph.ShortestPath
- [x] PerspectiveView.OrientToEyeAndTargetPosition
- [x] PlanView.Underlay
- [x] Railing.ByPathTypeAndLevel
- [x] RandomList.AsIntegers
- [x] Regex.CompileRegularExpression
- [x] Regex.ContainsRegularExpression
- [x] Regex.FindRegularExpression
- [x] Regex.ReplaceRegularExpression
- [x] Regex.SplitByRegularExpression
- [x] Regex.StartsWithRegularExpression
- [x] ReturnListOrSingleValue
- [ ] RevitFace.FromDynamoSurface
- [ ] RevitFaceReference.FromDynamoSurface
- [x] RevitLinkType.AttachmentType
- [x] RevitLinkType.IsNested
- [x] RevitLinkType.PathType
- [x] RevitLinkType.Reload
- [x] RevitLinkType.Unload
- [x] Roof.CreationMethod
- [x] Roof.Kind
- [x] Room.AtPointInPhase
- [x] Room.Boundaries
- [x] Room.Finishes
- [x] Room.UnplacedByNameAndNumber
- [x] RoomSeparator.FromCurve
- [ ] RoomSequence.ToDoorSequence
- [x] RoomTag.IsInRoom
- [x] RoomTag.Room
- [ ] Schedule.Fields
- [ ] Schedule.KeyScheduleParameterName
- [ ] ScheduleField.Parameter
- [ ] ScheduleField.Type
- [x] Schema.Fields
- [x] Schema.Properties
- [x] SchemaField.Properties
- [ ] SelectionSet.ByElements
- [ ] SelectionSet.Elements
- [x] SharedParameterElement.GUID
- [x] SharedParameterFile.Parse
- [ ] Sheet.PlaceholderByNumberAndName
- [ ] Sheet.Scale
- [ ] Solid.ByUnion+
- [x] SpaceSeparator.FromCurve
- [x] SpotCoordinate.ByPoint
- [x] SpotElevation.ByPoint
- [x] String.Replace+
- [x] String.ReplaceIllegalFilenameCharacters
- [x] String.ReplaceIllegalRevitCharacters
- [x] String.ReplaceMultiple
- [x] StructuralFoundation.Kind
- [x] Subcategory.ByName
- [x] System.CPUs
- [x] System.MachineName
- [x] System.Memory
- [x] System.UserName
- [x] System.Version
- [x] TextElement.SetText
- [x] TimeSpan.EvaluateLapTimes
- [x] TimeSpan.LapTime
- [ ] UnitType.DisplayUnitType
- [ ] UV.ToDynamoUV
- [x] VersionNumber.Compare
- [ ] View.CategoryIsVisible
- [ ] View.ConvertTemporaryHideIsolateToPermanent
- [ ] View.ConvertToIndependent
- [ ] View.DependentViews
- [ ] View.DetailLevel
- [ ] View.DisableTemporaryHideIsolate
- [ ] View.Duplicate
- [ ] View.DuplicateAsDependent
- [ ] View.DuplicateWithDetailing
- [ ] View.IsPerspective
- [ ] View.IsViewTemplate+
- [ ] View.OverrideElementTransparency
- [ ] View.Phase
- [ ] View.Plane
- [ ] View.PrimaryView
- [ ] View.ResetElementOverrides
- [ ] View.ResizeCropBox
- [ ] View.SetDesignOption
- [ ] View.SetDetailLevel
- [ ] View.SetPhase
- [ ] View.SetSolarStudyActiveFrameNumber
- [ ] View.SolarStudyTotalFrames
- [ ] View.Type
- [ ] View.ViewTemplate
- [x] View3D.IsLocked
- [x] View3D.SetSectionBox
- [x] ViewSheetSet.Views
- [x] Wall.CreationMethod
- [x] Wall.Flip
- [x] Wall.Orientation
- [ ] Workset.Kind