Andy Beet
Andy Beet
I have a private repo in which the after activating the plugin says it is 714MB However when i click this to display the folder sizes, there is one folder...
This is an error that never used to arise. Is is due to an sf update or something else? Not sure how to trouble shoot this. shapefile (strata.shp) is located:...
If i view the book demo on github, the [intro]( chapter (first paragraph) shows links to chapter 2 and 4 using the {#label} \@ref(label) pairings. However if i clone the...
I am obtaining multiple values for FoodTroph in the `ecology` table ```rfishbase::ecology(species_list="Oncorhynchus clarkii", server = "fishbase") %>% dplyr::select(Species,DietTroph,FoodTroph)``` results in: Species DietTroph FoodTroph 1 Oncorhynchus clarkii NA 3.77 2 Oncorhynchus...
Not sure this is really an issue but when accessing the `country` table i get this message. Joining, by = "C_Code" While it is not problematic, i'd like to know...
installed TMB and INLA just fine ``` > devtools::install_github("james-thorson/VAST") Error: Failed to install 'unknown package' from GitHub: cannot open URL '' ``` If i clone your repo and try to...
Have you thought about a `pkgdown` site for your package documentation? I think it will help a user to identify what is in your package in a nice format. Be...
use EPU as an argument to plot individual EPUs. This is relevant for New England where many plots are faceted GOM/GB. Should we allow for individual EPU plots and allow...
need documentation in the R folder for the following datasets - [ ] thermal_habitat_area - [ ] thermal_habitat_persistence
Tech doc rms should have the same name as the catalog counterparts. It should be the name of the ecodata indicator. Then from `catalog` we can automatically link to the...