Experimental Google Go backend for Idris
Motivations for this
- I felt like improving my Haskell and Idris, and learning Go
- ???
Some features/benefits
- Easy interop with Go, as well as with C via cgo
- UTF-8 support
- Callbacks from Go (into Idris) support
- With no tweaking yet, performance seems quite good -- almost as fast as C backend
- Go compiles pretty fast, which is nice when using it for a language backend
- Go has a reasonably-well-performing GC (which is continually being improved)
- Go has built-in unicode support (used by this backend)
- Go has standard lib big int support (used by this backend)
- Go has nice reflection features (used by this backend, made things pretty easy)
- No Go third-party libraries needed or used by this backend
- Most of the official Idris tests run successfully -- see the Makefile
Some code examples
- UTF-8 support, so this works and produces "βγδ" as output (the C backend doesn't yet)
module Main
greek : String
greek = "αβγδ"
main : IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "Running Idris main"
putStrLn $ "Greek: " ++ (strTail greek)
- Calling a Go function via the FFI
module Main
%include go "fmt"
goprint : String -> IO ()
goprint s = mkForeign (FFun "fmt.Println(%0)" [FString] FUnit) s
main : IO ()
main = do
goprint "Hello, world!"
- Calling a C function via the FFI (via cgo)
module Main
%include go "// #include <stdio.h>"
%include go "C"
c_putchar : Char -> IO Int
c_putchar c = mkForeign (FFun "C.putchar(C.int(%0))" [FChar] FInt) c
main : IO ()
main = do
_ <- c_putchar('B')
_ <- c_putchar('\n')
return ()