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A simple forwarding proxy for Graylog GELF messages.


A simple forwarding proxy for Graylog GELF messages. Can be used as load-balancer in front of multiple Graylog server nodes. Also helps if the Graylog server or logging application is behind a firewall and direct logging to UDP is not viable.

NEW: Support of streaming logs into loki log aggregator.


The basic usage for single UDP input and single GELF HTTP output is:

docker run --rm -p 12201:12201/udp -it andviro/grayproxy -out

By default grayproxy configures the input at udp:// and no outputs. Outputs are added using -out flag and may be specified multiple times. Outputs may use HTTP, HTTPS, TCP, UDP and WebSocket protocol and are tried in round-robin fashion. If message was not sent to any output, it will be silently dropped unless disk buffer directory is configured. To listen on multiple TCP, HTTP or UDP inputs, -in flag can be used.

Loki output

To send logs into loki endpoint, HTTP or HTTPS output URL should end with "/api/prom/push".

WebSocket output

-out ws://[email protected]:20222

Emits all incoming messages to all connected WebSocket clients. Message is firstly converted to flattened json structure. Server side filtering of message is possible by specifying filters in query string.

curl --include \
     --no-buffer \
     --header "Connection: Upgrade" \
     --header "Upgrade: websocket" \
     --header "Host:" \
     --header "Origin:" \
     --header "Sec-WebSocket-Key: SGVabG8sIHOvcmxDIQ==" \
     --header "Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13" \

or use Graytail

Command-line options

  -dataDir string
    	buffer directory (defaults to no buffering)
  -in value
    	input address in form schema://address:port (may be specified multiple times). Default: udp://:12201
  -out value
    	output address in form schema://address:port (may be specified multiple times)
  -sendTimeout int
    	maximum TCP or HTTP output timeout (ms) (default 1000)


The idea of a pipelined GELF dechunker borrowed from timtkachenko/gelf-go.


This code is released under MIT license.