BeatSaberMultiplayer copied to clipboard
Cant enter Room selection with 1.3.0
Meta: Oculur Rift S Buyed over Oculus Store Beat Saber Version 1.3.0
With the new version I cant click on "ROOM" after "ONLINE". Nothing happens. But the "RADIO" works perfectly.
Error Log:
[CRITICAL @ 12:55:13 | UnityEngine] MissingMethodException: single VRControllersInputManager.TriggerValue(UnityEngine.XR.XRNode)
[CRITICAL @ 12:55:13 | UnityEngine] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
[CRITICAL @ 12:55:13 | UnityEngine] VRUI.VRUINavigationController.ClearChildViewControllers () (at <81e39d74561d4045b1f2f3ec664daf2f>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 12:55:13 | UnityEngine] VRUI.VRUINavigationController.__SetChildViewControllers (VRUI.VRUIViewController[] viewControllers) (at <81e39d74561d4045b1f2f3ec664daf2f>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 12:55:13 | UnityEngine] VRUI.VRUINavigationController.__SetChildViewController (VRUI.VRUIViewController viewController) (at <81e39d74561d4045b1f2f3ec664daf2f>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 12:55:13 | UnityEngine] VRUI.FlowCoordinator.SetViewControllerToNavigationConctroller (VRUI.VRUINavigationController navigationController, VRUI.VRUIViewController viewController) (at <81e39d74561d4045b1f2f3ec664daf2f>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 12:55:13 | UnityEngine] BeatSaberMultiplayer.UI.FlowCoordinators.ServerHubFlowCoordinator.DidActivate (System.Boolean firstActivation, VRUI.FlowCoordinator+ActivationType activationType) (at <ee08b71999e54ab2a42022eca22fa98b>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 12:55:13 | UnityEngine] VRUI.FlowCoordinator.Activate (System.Boolean firstActivation, VRUI.FlowCoordinator+ActivationType activationType) (at <81e39d74561d4045b1f2f3ec664daf2f>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 12:55:13 | UnityEngine] VRUI.FlowCoordinator.PresentFlowCoordinator (VRUI.FlowCoordinator flowCoordinator, System.Action finishedCallback, System.Boolean immediately, System.Boolean replaceTopViewController) (at <81e39d74561d4045b1f2f3ec664daf2f>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 12:55:13 | UnityEngine] BeatSaberMultiplayer.UI.FlowCoordinators.ModeSelectionFlowCoordinator.<DidActivate>b__2_1 () (at <ee08b71999e54ab2a42022eca22fa98b>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 12:55:13 | UnityEngine] BeatSaberMultiplayer.UI.ViewControllers.ModeSelectionViewController.<DidActivate>b__12_0 () (at <ee08b71999e54ab2a42022eca22fa98b>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 12:55:13 | UnityEngine] UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall.Invoke () (at <4b072c28d0804e3e8741f43de2d5aec4>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 12:55:13 | UnityEngine] UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent.Invoke () (at <4b072c28d0804e3e8741f43de2d5aec4>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 12:55:13 | UnityEngine] UnityEngine.UI.Button.Press () (at <c5af55e0436949a1ab7045fa4877ae3d>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 12:55:13 | UnityEngine] UnityEngine.UI.Button.OnPointerClick (UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData eventData) (at <c5af55e0436949a1ab7045fa4877ae3d>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 12:55:13 | UnityEngine] UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.Execute (UnityEngine.EventSystems.IPointerClickHandler handler, UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData eventData) (at <c5af55e0436949a1ab7045fa4877ae3d>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 12:55:13 | UnityEngine] UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.Execute[T] (UnityEngine.GameObject target, UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData eventData, UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents+EventFunction`1[T1] functor) (at <c5af55e0436949a1ab7045fa4877ae3d>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 12:55:13 | UnityEngine] UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1)
[CRITICAL @ 12:55:13 | UnityEngine] VRUIControls.VRInputModule:ProcessMousePress(MouseButtonEventData)
[CRITICAL @ 12:55:13 | UnityEngine] VRUIControls.VRInputModule:Process()
[CRITICAL @ 12:55:13 | UnityEngine] UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update()
[CRITICAL @ 12:55:13 | UnityEngine] MissingMethodException: single VRControllersInputManager.TriggerValue(UnityEngine.XR.XRNode)
Beat Saber Multiplayer Log:
[INFO @ 08:59:18 | Beat Saber Multiplayer] Attempting to load JSON @ C:\Program Files\Oculus\Software\Software\hyperbolic-magnetism-beat-saber\UserData\BeatSaberMultiplayer.json
[INFO @ 08:59:18 | Beat Saber Multiplayer] Writing to File @ C:\Program Files\Oculus\Software\Software\hyperbolic-magnetism-beat-saber\UserData\BeatSaberMultiplayer.json
[INFO @ 08:59:18 | Beat Saber Multiplayer] Writing to File @ C:\Program Files\Oculus\Software\Software\hyperbolic-magnetism-beat-saber\UserData\BeatSaberMultiplayer.json
[INFO @ 08:59:18 | Beat Saber Multiplayer] Loaded config!
[INFO @ 08:59:18 | Beat Saber Multiplayer] Found 0 presets in RoomPresets folder
[INFO @ 08:59:18 | Beat Saber Multiplayer] Downloading scrapped data...
[INFO @ 08:59:18 | Beat Saber Multiplayer] Received response from
[INFO @ 08:59:18 | Beat Saber Multiplayer] Parsing scrapped data...
[INFO @ 08:59:19 | Beat Saber Multiplayer] Scrapped data parsed! Time: 0,31s
[INFO @ 08:59:25 | Beat Saber Multiplayer] Hashing all avatars...
[INFO @ 08:59:25 | Beat Saber Multiplayer] All avatars hashed!
[INFO @ 08:59:25 | Beat Saber Multiplayer] Checking for updates...
[INFO @ 08:59:25 | Beat Saber Multiplayer] Loading all avatars...
[INFO @ 08:59:25 | Beat Saber Multiplayer] Loading text shader asset bundle...
[INFO @ 08:59:26 | Beat Saber Multiplayer] Loaded avatar "Template"!
[INFO @ 08:59:26 | Beat Saber Multiplayer] Loaded avatar "Loading"!
[INFO @ 08:59:26 | Beat Saber Multiplayer] Loaded avatar "Template Full Body"!
[INFO @ 08:59:26 | Beat Saber Multiplayer] Loaded avatar "Ooka Miko"!
Yep +1, also seeing this exact issue. Steam version here.
Seems avatarData and avatarHash are null on the hub causing this (line 73 and line 222 in PlayerInfo class). Workaround is to check for null value but didn't had the time look into it further (git clone 04/09)
same here. i can't press the button "rooms".
i got the following errorlog: (Firewall disabled and no anti-virus installed)
[ERROR @ 20:55:11 | Beat Saber Multiplayer] Unable to load config @ H:\Steam\steamapps\common\Beat Saber\UserData\BeatSaberMultiplayer.json
[INFO @ 20:55:11 | Beat Saber Multiplayer] Creating new config @ H:\Steam\steamapps\common\Beat Saber\UserData\BeatSaberMultiplayer.json
[INFO @ 20:55:11 | Beat Saber Multiplayer] Writing to File @ H:\Steam\steamapps\common\Beat Saber\UserData\BeatSaberMultiplayer.json
[INFO @ 20:55:11 | Beat Saber Multiplayer] Writing to File @ H:\Steam\steamapps\common\Beat Saber\UserData\BeatSaberMultiplayer.json
[INFO @ 20:55:11 | Beat Saber Multiplayer] Added 8 new ServerHubs to config!
[INFO @ 20:55:11 | Beat Saber Multiplayer] Writing to File @ H:\Steam\steamapps\common\Beat Saber\UserData\BeatSaberMultiplayer.json
[INFO @ 20:55:11 | Beat Saber Multiplayer] Found 0 presets in RoomPresets folder
[INFO @ 20:55:11 | Beat Saber Multiplayer] Downloading scrapped data...
[INFO @ 20:55:14 | Beat Saber Multiplayer] Received response from
[INFO @ 20:55:14 | Beat Saber Multiplayer] Parsing scrapped data...
[INFO @ 20:55:14 | Beat Saber Multiplayer] Scrapped data parsed! Time: 0.58s
[INFO @ 20:55:32 | Beat Saber Multiplayer] Hashing all avatars...
[INFO @ 20:55:32 | Beat Saber Multiplayer] All avatars hashed!
[INFO @ 20:55:32 | Beat Saber Multiplayer] Checking for updates...
[INFO @ 20:55:32 | Beat Saber Multiplayer] Loading all avatars...
[INFO @ 20:55:32 | Beat Saber Multiplayer] Loading text shader asset bundle...
[INFO @ 20:55:33 | Beat Saber Multiplayer] Loaded avatar "No Avatar"!
[INFO @ 20:55:33 | Beat Saber Multiplayer] Loaded avatar "Template"!
[INFO @ 20:55:33 | Beat Saber Multiplayer] Loaded avatar "Ooka Miko"!
[INFO @ 20:55:41 | Beat Saber Multiplayer] Requesting channels list...
[INFO @ 20:55:42 | Beat Saber Multiplayer] Requesting channel infos...
[INFO @ 20:55:42 | Beat Saber Multiplayer] Creating message...
[INFO @ 20:55:42 | Beat Saber Multiplayer] Connecting to
[INFO @ 20:55:42 | Beat Saber Multiplayer] Creating message...
[INFO @ 20:55:42 | Beat Saber Multiplayer] Connecting to
[INFO @ 20:55:42 | Beat Saber Multiplayer] Requested channel infos!
[WARNING @ 20:55:42 | Beat Saber Multiplayer] Channel exception: System.Exception: Channel refused connection!
[WARNING @ 20:55:48 | Beat Saber Multiplayer] Channel exception: System.Exception: Channel refused connection!