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A collection of samples to discuss and showcase different architectural tools and patterns for Android apps.

Results 154 architecture-samples issues
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I found that an activity in the project will create a fragment correspondingly. What are the benefits of this? I don't think fragments are necessary.

I was looking at `HiltTestActivity` comparing to `EmptyTestActivity` it is missing `setTheme()` during `onCreate()` method. ```kotlin override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) setTheme( intent.getIntExtra( "", ) ) } ```...

Produces state by merging flows that carry functions that lazily modify the state. This avoids the issues that can arise when combining flows: * The limited arity of the `combine`...

![Screenshot from 2022-06-22 19-38-55]( ![Screenshot from 2022-06-22 19-39-11](

The possible exception in DefaultTasksRepository.updateTasksFromRemoteDataSource() is not handled in either repository level or in the VM's that are calling refreshTasks() inside viewModelScope.launch

An experimental branch for functional reactive state production based on the [stateflow branch]( It offers feature parity with the existing branch and tries to establish some core FRP state production...