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Results 12 android-studio-poet issues
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I need to create a fake gradle project with a huge amount of jar libs as deps. So I create this change. I think this would be useful since it's...

Migrate our tests from com.nhaarman.mockitokotlin2:mockito-kotlin:2.2.0 to

I'm curious whether it could spur adoption of good baseline performance metrics and adoption of Jetpack Benchmark.

I'd like to run Android Studio Poet with a config file that matches my current project, so I can compare my project's build speed with the generated project's build speed....

Hi, The example in the README is not sufficient for masses to start using this confidently. There's a documentation need to explain what you can do, how, in order to...

I finished a draft for a new input. Unfortunately, I have to change our input a lot. But now it supports some cool things, like overriding "minSdkVersion" for a single...

Example: val liveArticleData = MutableLiveData() When liveArticleData.value is used compiler requires forced unwrap (!!) Forced unwrap is considered last resort and poor programming practice. Request: To be able to initialize...

Make Android modules be dependent on other Andorid/Java modules: * Calling methods * Using layouts * Using images