Andrie de Vries

Results 67 comments of Andrie de Vries

By the way, there has to be a better way to insert JavaScript into `xaringan`, but I couldn't find it. So I opened a [question at RStudio Community](

In the list of remark.js [plugins](, there is a table of contents plugin, [remark-toc]( Is there a way to include the plugins into `xaringan`?

Yes, that does seem to be the case. Try using an R chunk instead, since this seems to work correctly: ```` ```{r} nomnoml::nomnoml("[Hello]-[World]", svg = TRUE) ``` ````

The upstream issue is still open. I'm going to pull in a newer version of `nomnoml.js` but this is unlikely to fix.

That commit was merged a long time ago, but it's clear that it didn't solve the root cause. As a workaround I suggest you either use R-3.5 or earlier to...

The earlier supposed "fix" that I wrote didn't work at all. I also couldn't get the proposed workaround to work as expected. After some experimentation, I realised it's quite trivial...

Thank you. I've fixed this in the main branch.

Thanks, @dmurdoch It seems the linked issue on `pkgdown` has been merged and closed. Does this mean we can close this issue on `nomnoml`?

Weightless edges have now been removed from `nomnoml.js`

Many thanks, @dmurdoch. I'm working through this PR now.