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type safe routing for Dream and Melange
Derive type safe routing from OCaml variant type declarations.
Supports Dream and Melange. Enables type safe client-server communication.
Install (custom opam repo is required as for now):
opam repo add andreypopp https://github.com/andreypopp/opam-repository.git
opam update
opam install ppx_deriving_router
Add preprocessing configuration in dune
(preprocess (pps ppx_deriving_router.dream))
Define routes:
module Pages = struct
open Ppx_deriving_router_runtime.Primitives
type t =
| Home [@GET "/"]
| About
| Hello of { name : string; repeat : int option } [@GET "/hello/:name"]
[@@deriving router]
Note the [@@deriving router]
annotation, which instructs to generate routing
code based on the variant type declaration it is attached to. Each constructor
corresponds to a separate route.
By default the route corresponds to a GET request, and path is inferred from the constructor name.
By attaching [@GET]
, [@POST]
, [@PUT]
attributes to the
constructor, one can specify the HTTP method for the route.
The attributes also allow to specify the path pattern for the route, e.g.
[@GET "/hello/:name"]
. As seen, path patterns can contain named parameters,
like :name
in the example above. In this case the parameter will be extracted
from the path and used in the route payload. All other fields from a route
payload are considered URL query parameters.
Generating URLs
A function with signature:
val href : t -> string
is generated for each route type. Such function can be used to generate URLs based on routes:
let () =
assert (Pages.href Home = "/");
assert (Pages.href About = "/About");
assert (Pages.href (Hello {name="world"; repeat=1} = "/hello/world?repeat=1")
Handling routes
A function with signature:
val handle : (t -> Dream.request -> Dream.response Lwt.t) -> Dream.handler
is generated for each route type. Such function can be used to define a Dream.handler
let pages_handle =
Pages.handle (fun route _req ->
match route with
| Home -> Dream.respond "Home page!"
| About -> Dream.respond "About page!"
| Hello { name; repeat } ->
let name =
match repeat with
| Some repeat ->
List.init repeat (fun _ -> name) |> String.concat ", "
| None -> name
Dream.respond (Printf.sprintf "Hello, %s" name))
Using the handler in a Dream app
As a result of the Pages.handle
call we get a Dream.handler
which can be used in a Dream app:
let () = Dream.run ~interface:"" ~port:8080 pages_handle
Custom path/query parameter types
When generating parameter encoding/decoding code for a parameter of type T
will emit the code that uses the following functions.
If T
is a path parameter:
val T_of_url_path : string -> T option
val T_to_url_path : T -> string
If T
is a query parameter:
val T_of_url_query : string -> (string * string) list -> (T, string) result
val T_to_url_query : string -> T -> (string * string) list
The default encoders/decoders are provided in Ppx_deriving_router_runtime.Primitives
(this is why we need to open
the module when defining routes).
To provide custom encoders/decoders for a custom type, we can define own functions, for example:
module Modifier = struct
type t = Capitalize | Uppercase
let rec of_url_query : t Ppx_deriving_router_runtime.url_query_decoder = fun k qs ->
match List.assoc_opt k qs with
| None -> Error "missing modifier"
| Some "capitalize" -> Ok Capitalize
| Some "uppercase" -> Ok Uppercase
| Some _ -> Error "unknown modifier"
let to_url_query : t Ppx_deriving_router_runtime.url_query_encoder = fun k v ->
match v with
| Capitalize -> [ k, "capitalize" ]
| Uppercase -> [ k, "uppercase" ]
After that one can use Modifier.t
in route definitions:
type t =
| Hello of { name : string; modifier : Modifier.t } [@GET "/hello/:name"]
[@@deriving router]
Routes with typed responses
It is possible to define routes with typed responses, with code automatically
generated to turn such responses into JSON payloads and wrap into
In this case the route type should be defined as GADT with a parameter for the response type:
module Api = struct
open Ppx_deriving_router_runtime.Primitives
open Ppx_deriving_json_runtime.Primitives
type user = { id : int } [@@deriving json]
type _ t =
| List_users : user list t [@GET "/"]
| Create_user : user t [@POST "/"]
| Get_user : { id : int } -> user t [@GET "/:id"]
| Raw : Ppx_deriving_router_runtime.response t [@GET "/raw"]
[@@deriving router]
Then handler can be defined as follows:
let api_handle : Dream.handler =
let f : type a. a Api.t -> Dream.request -> a Lwt.t =
fun x _req ->
match x with
| List_users -> Lwt.return []
| Create_user -> Lwt.return { Api.id = 42 }
| Get_user { id } -> Lwt.return { Api.id }
| Raw -> Dream.respond "RAW"
Api.handle { f }
Notice that the type annotation for f
is required, and it should be passed
within a record to Api.handle
Also notice the Raw : Dream.response t
case, which allows to return a raw
Dream response, no encode will be generated in this case, but no type
information will be available either. This is useful, though, when one needs to
have API and non API routes together.
Decoding request body
It is possible to designate a route parameter to be a request body, in this case, its value is decoded from the request body as JSON. The JSON decoder is generated automatically for the route parameter type:
open Ppx_deriving_json_runtime.Primitives
type user_spec = { name : string } [@@deriving json]
type _ api =
| Create_user : {spec: user_spec; [@body]} -> int t [@POST]
[@@deriving router]
Wildcard path patterns
It is possible to capture the remaining part of the path as a parameter when
the ...name
path pattern is in the last position:
type t =
| Static : {path : string} -> t [@GET "/static/...path"]
[@@deriving router]
Route composition
It is possible to compose routes by embedding other routes as arguments to constructor, consider the example:
module Routes = struct
type _ t =
| Pages : Pages.t -> Dream.response t [@prefix "/"]
| Api : 'a Api.t -> 'a t
[@@deriving router]
In this case the URLs structure will be as follows:
let () =
assert (Routes.href (Pages Home) = "/");
assert (Routes.href (Pages About) = "/About");
assert (Routes.href (Api (Get_user {id=1})) = "/Api/1");
Notice how [@prefix]
attribute is used to specify the path for the routes
prefix (in its absence the path will be equal to the coresponding constructor
The handler can be defined as follows:
let routes_handler : Dream.handler =
let f : type a. a All.t -> Dream.request -> a Lwt.t =
fun x req ->
match x with
| Pages p -> pages_handle p req
| Api e -> api_handle e req
All.handle { f }
Note how we delegated request processing to corresponding handlers. We can also run certain middlewares for certain routes, if we wish to do so.
Deriving to_url_query
through JSON representation
It is possible to derive to_url_query
and of_url_query
through a JSON
representation of a type by using url_query_via_json
type t = { a : int option } [@@deriving json, url_query_via_json]
This won't result in pretty URL params but useful to quickly get something passed through URL.
Deriving to_url_query
through isomorphism
It is possible to derive to_url_query
and of_url_query
through an
isomorphism to/from other type by using url_query_via_iso
Conside the following type first:
module User_id : sig
type t
val inject : string -> t
val project : t -> string
end = struct
type t = string
let inject x = x
let project x = x
Now we know that its underlying representation is a string
, and we know how
to convert it to/from a string. We can use url_query_via_iso
deriver to
derive to_url_query
and of_url_query
for the type, for that we need to
define a type alias:
type user_id = User_id.t
[@@deriving url_query_via_iso]
It's possible to customize which functions and which underlying type to use:
module Level = struct
type t = Alert | Warning
let to_int = function Alert -> 2 | Warning -> 1
let of_int = function
| 2 -> Alert
| 1 -> Warning
| _ -> failwith "invalid level"
type level = Level.t
[@@deriving url_query_via_iso { t = int; inject = of_int; project = to_int }]
Deriving to_url_path
through isomorphism
Similar to the above a url_path_via_iso
deriver is available, an example:
type user_id = User_id.t
[@@deriving url_path_via_iso]
Using with Melange
can be used with Melange,
For that, one should use ppx_deriving_router.browser
ppx in dune
(preprocess (pps ppx_deriving_router.browser))
For Melange the ppx will emit:
val http_method : _ t -> [ `DELETE | `GET | `POST | `PUT ]
val href : 'a t -> string
val body : 'a t -> string option
val decode_response : 'a t -> Fetch.Response.t -> 'a Js.Promise.t
Then the following code could be used to generate a typesafe client from a routes definition:
module Make_fetch (Route : sig
type 'a t
val http_method : 'a t -> [ `GET | `POST | `PUT | `DELETE ]
val href : 'a t -> string
val body : 'a t -> string option
val decode_response : 'a t -> Fetch.Response.t -> 'a Js.Promise.t
end) : sig
val fetch : root:string -> 'a Route.t -> 'a Js.Promise.t
end = struct
let fetch ~root route =
let href = root ^ Route.href route in
let init =
let method_ =
match Route.http_method route with
| `GET -> Fetch.Get
| `POST -> Fetch.Post
| `PUT -> Fetch.Put
| `DELETE -> Fetch.Delete
let body = Option.map Fetch.BodyInit.make (Route.body route) in
Fetch.RequestInit.make ~method_ ?body ()
let req = Fetch.Request.makeWithInit href init in
Fetch.fetchWithRequest req >>= fun response ->
Route.decode_response route response
Note that if routes mention Dream.response
in its response parameter then it
won't compile with Melange (because Dream is not available for Melange). For
that one should use Ppx_deriving_router_runtime.response
type instead which is an
alias for Dream.response
in native and for Fetch.Response.t
in Melange.
The common setup is to define routes in a separate dune library which is compiled both for native and for browser.