@simonpasquier So, we can see the alerts in prometheus, as well as in alertmanager, so the alerts fire properly. On our webhook application side, we've logged everything, and we notice...
Honestly, the only reason we're using the webhook in the first place is because alertmanager doesn't support pagination when querying for alerts/groups. So we're using the webhook to receive all...
> Your best bet is to turn on debug logs (`--log.level=debug`). How do you know for sure that notifications are missing? @simonpasquier I've run debug logs on alertmanager, and can...
> @andrewipmtl > > > Shouldn't all alerts route to the default route (which is set as the webhook)? > > no, alerts that will match the `Test Presence Offline...
I've configured the webhook as another route on top of being the default route, and I'm still seeing some alerts not being sent through to the webhook.
> @andrewipmtl can you share the new config? ``` global: resolve_timeout: 5m http_config: {} smtp_from: [email protected] smtp_hello: localhost smtp_smarthost: smtp_auth_username: [email protected] smtp_auth_password: smtp_require_tls: true pagerduty_url: opsgenie_api_url: wechat_api_url:...
> @andrewipmtl hmm not sure why you configured a subroute. AFAICT this would work the same? > > ``` > route: > receiver: device-alerts.hook > group_by: > - alertname >...
> Ok not sure why this happens but the only thing I can recommend is to run with `--log.level=debug` and investigate what happens when no notification is sent while you...
@rmartinsjr I'm not sure what you mean by sibling routes, all the routes that -should- alert are at the same level, including the one for the webhook, and all routes...
@rmartinsjr, yes I'm sure. The example I posted is a simplified version for demonstration. The actual version has a lot more alerts set up, all with `continue: true` defined as...