Andrew Drake
Andrew Drake
Thanks for reporting, I will look into this. I haven't done too much testing with PHP 8.2 as yet.
Thanks form reporting, I will be making some updates to get this working. Custom fields are sort of not complete at the moment
Thanks for reporting, I just realised the package is loading my premium font awesome account. Installing and using the free version will be a solution, although I will check whether...
This is a nice idea. First you should create this issue in the actually [laravel crm package](, this project is an example of using that package. I should actually disable...
Yes, but please submit this on the [package repo](
Sorry I haven't quite finished the docs as yet, working on it. A customer is more of a group of people or organizations. So a customer has one or many...
I am re-evaluating this design at the moment
This should now be working in latest version 1.2.2
Thanks for reporting, I'm going to move this to the package repo to track an update on.
Please note this does not actually affect the package, just a problem running tests. Will fix however