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Fork of SlickGrid 1.x.
Forked SlickGrid Documentation
Features added in this fork:
- Session handling: Refreshing the page restores column visiibility, order, and default sort.
- Filtering UI: Min/max ranges are determined automatically.
- Rich sorting library: Sort algorithms are determined automatically.
- Fixed totals rows: Can be updated with the Grid.setTotals() method. Filters update totals automatically. Can be displayed in footer and/or header.
- UX improvements: Column reordering is updated in ColumnPicker. More natural dragging algorithm/threshold used.
See examples/example15-fork-feature-demo.html for a demo.
When and Where to Load SlickGrid
SlickGrids are initialized by pushing a definitions object onto the global "dataGrids" array, like so:
<script type="text/javascript">
var my_slickgrid = {...};
$(function() {
// your jQuery code
The dataGrids init process happens on jQuery's ready() event, which is why the following will not work:
<script type="text/javascript">
var my_slickgrid = {...};
$(function() {
// This won't work!
Column Definitions:
- name - Required. Column name to put in the header.
- field - Property of the data context to bind to. If missing, this will use the column ID, or the column name.
- id - Column ID. If missing, this will use the column field, or the column name.
- toolTip - Tooltip (if different from name).
- width - Width of the column in pixels.
- minWidth - Minimum allowed column width for resizing.
- maxWidth - Maximum allowed column width for resizing.
- sortable - (default false) If true, the column can be sorted (onSort will be called).
- forceSortType - Override automatic sort detection to use a particular sort type.
- resizable - (default true) If false, the column cannot be resized. Should be used sparingly.
- cssClass - A CSS class to add to the cell.
- visible - (default true) If false, the column will be hidden by default, to be made available in a ColumnPicker or other UI element.
- filter - Which filter method to use for filtering this column. Currently can be set to "text" or "range".
- presets - An array containing the human-readable column preset(s) this column is part of. "Default" and "All Columns" are implied, assuming showColumnPresets is true.
- total - (default 'sum') Used to determine how totals are calculated. Currently can only be set to "sum" or "average".
- formatter - (default 'return value || ""') Function responsible for rendering the contents of a cell. Signature: function formatter(row, cell, value, columnDef, dataContext) { ... return "..."; }
- editor - An Editor class.
- validator - An extra validation function to be passed to the editor.
- unselectable - If true, the cell cannot be selected (and therefore edited).
- cannotTriggerInsert - If true, a new row cannot be created from just the value of this cell.
- rerenderOnResize - Rerender the column when it is resized (useful for columns relying on cell width or adaptive formatters).
- asyncPostRender - Function responsible for manipulating the cell DOM node after it has been rendered (called in the background).
- behavior - Configures the column with one of several available predefined behaviors: "select", "move", "selectAndMove".
- defaultToAscending - (default true) If false, the column sorting will default to descending.
- alwaysDisplay - (default false) If true, the column will not appear in the ColumnPicker and will always be displayed on all presets.
Usage Example #1, no AJAX
<script type="text/javascript">
var my_slickgrid = {
id: 'mySlickGrid', // a unique ID for this table, for session handling.
container: '#slickgrid', // the existing DOM element that will contain the datagrid. Should have width and height set.
options: {
grid: {
rowHeight: 21,
defaultMinWidth: 80,
defaultColumnWidth: 120,
columns: [
{ name: 'Date', sortable: true, minWidth: 90, defaultSort: 'descending' },
{ name: 'City', filter: 'text', sortable: true, minWidth: 100 },
{ name: 'Clicks', filter: 'range', sortable: true, width: 62 },
{ name: 'CTR', filter: 'range', sortable: true, visible: false, width: 62 }
// empty cells don't need to be included in totals
totals: {
clicks: Math.round(Math.random() * 1000),
ctr: Math.round(Math.random() * 100) + '%'
// data needs to be an array of objects. Each object needs a unique 'id'.
data: [
{ id: 0, date: '12/24/2007', city: 'Philadelphia', clicks: 1238, ctr: '45%' },
{ id: 1, date: '12/28/2007', city: 'Miami', clicks: 675, ctr: '7%' },
{ id: 2, date: '12/29/2007', city: 'Los Angeles', clicks: 1234, ctr: '1%' },
{ id: 3, date: '11/12/2008', city: 'Boston', clicks: 16, ctr: '99%' }
Usage Example #2: loading data in later with AJAX (recommended)
<script type="text/javascript">
var my_slickgrid = {
id: 'demoTable', // a unique ID for this table, for session handling.
container: '#slickgrid', // the existing DOM element that will contain the datagrid. Should have width and height set.
options: {
grid: {
rowHeight: 21,
defaultMinWidth: 80,
defaultColumnWidth: 120,
columns: [
{ name: 'Date', sortable: true, minWidth: 90, defaultSort: 'descending' },
{ name: 'City', filter: 'text', sortable: true, minWidth: 100 },
{ name: 'Clicks', filter: 'range', sortable: true, width: 62 },
{ name: 'CTR', filter: 'range', sortable: true, visible: false, width: 62 }
// These should be included anyway:
totals: {},
data: []
$(function() {
$.getJSON('/path/to/ajax', function(data) { =;
my_slickgrid.totals = data.totals;
This example assumes your AJAX call returns both totals and data in a single JSON object:
"totals": {
"clicks": 2345, "ctr": "4%"
"data": [
{ "id": 0, "date": "12/24/2007", "city": "Philadelphia", "clicks": 1238, "ctr": "45%" },
{ "id": 1, "date": "12/28/2007", "city": "Miami", "clicks": 675, "ctr": "63%" },
{ "id": 2, "date": "12/29/2007", "city": "Los Angeles", "clicks": 1234, "ctr": "11%" },
{ "id": 3, "date": "11/12/2008", "city": "Boston", "clicks": 16, "ctr": "99%" }
If you don't need to display totals, you could just return the data array as JSON:
{ "id": 0, "date": "12/24/2007", "city": "Philadelphia", "clicks": 1238, "ctr": "45%" },
{ "id": 1, "date": "12/28/2007", "city": "Miami", "clicks": 675, "ctr": "63%" },
{ "id": 2, "date": "12/29/2007", "city": "Los Angeles", "clicks": 1234, "ctr": "11%" },
{ "id": 3, "date": "11/12/2008", "city": "Boston", "clicks": 16, "ctr": "99%" }
And then update your SlickGrid like so:
$(function() {
$.getJSON('/path/to/ajax', function(data) { = data;