breakpoint copied to clipboard
A tiny API wrapper around window.matchMedia
A tiny library to make your JavaScript a bit more responsive
Use this library if you need to do some stuff in dependence on current screen width.
Breakpoint.js uses window.matchMedia
, so it supports only IE10+.
✓ Available to use as AMD, CommonJS or ES2015 module
✓ No dependencies
✓ Small size (~350 bytes uncompiled, ~810 bytes compiled)
✓ Just one function, no complicated APIs
Example is written in ES2015.
import breakpoint from './modules/breakpoint.js';
let config = {
// media query
// type: string
// required
query: '(min-width: 1024px)',
// callback to call when the query result is true
// type: function
// required
success: () => console.log('Window width is above 1024px'),
// function to call when the query result is false
// type: function
// optional
fail: () => console.log('Window width is below 1024px')},
// context to set on success and fail callbacks
// type: object
// default: null
// optional
context: window
// breakpoint will be automatically listening for changes
let destroyBreakpoint = breakpoint(config);
// if you need to stop listening for changes,
// just call the assigned variable