@usimarit I've adapted my changes to the refactored repo and everything seems to be working. Next step is to create our own implementation of `DepthwiseConv1D`. I've been digging into how...
@usimarit I took an implementation for `DepthwiseConv1D` I found [online]( and did slight modifications to support causal padding. (Check commit: 50def47) The model compiles and trains correctly, but we still...
I'm currently running a test on two VMs: Regular Conformer vs DepthwiseConv1D Conformer We'll see the results in maybe ~30hrs. (I am training on CommonVoice2 dataset though, so WER results...
@usimarit Good news! The two Conformer models converge to the same CER, meaning performance was not impacted negatively by the custom DepthwiseConv1D layer. I trained on chars and the best...
@usimarit The next step is looking at the file `StreamingConformer` class. I based the class on the `StreamingTransducer` class, so I don't know if there's methods that should be different....
@usimarit Hey there, this is just a gentle ping. Do you have anything that might guide me on implementing inference for Streaming Conformer? :)
Hello @usimarit Are you still interested in implementing this? Let me know if you need my help :smile: