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SignalR Hub
Hi Everyone!
Do you guys have the Hub Server code? It would be useful to understand how to get the SignalR adapter running!
hi if you have the code please share a sample.
Hello Watoo, I managed to get it working, but it has some changes. Specially because there are bugs in this code.
It was a freelancer project and it has been a while since I don't work with that. I can share my SignalR Hub implementation when I get home.
Here is my adapter code in TypeScript connecting to my SignalR Hub:
interface IChatYatClient { sendMessage: (message: ChatMessageInfo) => void; sendTypingSignal: (typingSignal: ChatTypingSignalInfo) => void; userListChanged: (userListChangedInfo: ChatUserListChangedInfo) => void roomListChanged: (roomListChangedInfo: ChatRoomListChangedInfo) => void }
interface IChatYatServer {
sendMessage: (roomId: number, conversationId: number, otherUserId: number, messageText: string, clientGuid: string) => JQueryPromise
interface Window {
YatHubReady: JQueryPromise
class YatServerAdapter implements IServerAdapter {
constructor(chatHubServer: HubProxy, chatClientAdapter: IClientAdapter) {
this.hubServer = chatHubServer;
this.clientAdapter = chatClientAdapter;
// sends a message to a room, conversation or user
sendMessage(roomId: number, conversationId: number, otherUserId: number, messageText: string, clientGuid: string, done: () => void): void {
var mensagem = { UsuarioId: otherUserId, Texto: messageText };
var token = $('#Token').val();
var bounceMessage = new ChatMessageInfo();
bounceMessage.UserFromId = 0;
bounceMessage.UserToId = otherUserId;
bounceMessage.RoomId = roomId;
bounceMessage.ConversationId = conversationId;
bounceMessage.Message = messageText;
bounceMessage.ClientGuid = clientGuid;
var _this = this;
this.hubServer.invoke('enviar', token, mensagem).done(function () {
_this.mudarStatus(otherUserId, 3);
// sends a typing signal to a room, conversation or user
sendTypingSignal(roomId: number, conversationId: number, userToId: number, done: () => void): void {
// gets the message history from a room, conversation or user
getMessageHistory(roomId: number, conversationId: number, otherUserId: number, done: (messages: Array<ChatMessageInfo>) => void): void {
this.hubServer.invoke('obterHistorico', $('#Token').val(), otherUserId).done(function (messageHistory) {
// gets the given user info
getUserInfo(userId: number, done: (userInfo: ChatUserInfo) => void): void {
this.hubServer.invoke('getUserInfo', $('#Token').val(), userId).done(function (userInfo) {
// gets the user list in a room or conversation
getUserList(roomId: number, conversationId: number, done: (userList: Array<ChatUserInfo>) => void): void {
this.hubServer.invoke('listarUsuariosEmAtendimento', $('#Token').val()).done(function (userList) {
// gets the rooms list
getRoomsList(done: (roomsList: Array<ChatRoomInfo>) => void) {
done(new Array <ChatRoomInfo>());
// enters the given room
enterRoom(roomId: number, done: () => void) {
// leaves the given room
leaveRoom(roomId: number, done: () => void) {
// Fecha um atendimento
fecharAtendimento(otherUserId: number, done: (userList: Array<ChatUserInfo>) => void): void {
var _this = this;
var token = $('#Token').val();
this.hubServer.invoke('fecharAtendimento', token, otherUserId).done(function (userList) {
//_this.clientAdapter.triggerUserListChanged(userList); //Já retorna a lista atualizada de atendimentos ativos.
// sends a typing signal to a room, conversation or user
mudarStatus(otherUserId: number, status: number): void {
var token = $('#Token').val();
this.hubServer.invoke('mudarStatus', token, otherUserId, status);
hubServer: HubProxy;
clientAdapter: IClientAdapter;
class YatClientAdapter implements IClientAdapter {
constructor(chatHubClient: HubProxy) {
this.registeredListernersIds = [];
this.messagesChangedHandlers = [];
this.typingSignalReceivedHandlers = [];
this.userListChangedHandlers = [];
this.roomListChangedHandlers = [];
this.hubClient = chatHubClient;
this.handlersIndex = -1;
var _this = this;
// called by the server when a new message arrives
this.hubClient.on('NotificarMensagem', function (message) {
var token = $('#Token').val();
var bounceMessage = new ChatMessageInfo();
bounceMessage.UserFromId = message.UsuarioId;
bounceMessage.UserToId = message.RemetenteId;
bounceMessage.Message = message.Texto;
//bounceMessage.ClientGuid = message.Id;
_this.hubClient.invoke('mudarStatus', token, message.UsuarioId, 2);
//this.hubClient.sendTypingSignal = (typingSignal: ChatTypingSignalInfo) => {
// this.triggerTypingSignalReceived(typingSignal);
//this.hubClient.userListChanged = (userListChangedInfo: ChatUserListChangedInfo) => {
// this.triggerUserListChanged(userListChangedInfo);
//this.hubClient.roomListChanged = (roomListChangedInfo: ChatRoomListChangedInfo) => {
// this.triggerRoomListChanged(roomListChangedInfo);
// adds a handler to the messagesChanged event
onMessagesChanged(userId: number, handler: (message: ChatMessageInfo) => void): void {
var indiceRegistrado = -1;
for (var i = 0; i < this.registeredListernersIds.length; i++) {
if (this.registeredListernersIds[i] === userId) {
indiceRegistrado = i;
if (indiceRegistrado >= 0) {
this.registeredListernersIds.splice(indiceRegistrado, 1);
this.messagesChangedHandlers.splice(indiceRegistrado, 1);
console.log("Índice previamente registrado sendo removido. Valor => " + indiceRegistrado);
// adds a handler to the typingSignalReceived event
onTypingSignalReceived(handler: (typingSignal: ChatTypingSignalInfo) => void): void {
// adds a handler to the userListChanged event
onUserListChanged(handler: (userListData: ChatUserListChangedInfo) => void): void {
// adds a handler to the roomListChanged
onRoomListChanged(handler: (roomListData: ChatRoomListChangedInfo) => void): void {
triggerMessagesChanged(message: ChatMessageInfo): void {
for (var i = 0; i < this.messagesChangedHandlers.length; i++)
triggerTypingSignalReceived(typingSignal: ChatTypingSignalInfo): void {
for (var i = 0; i < this.typingSignalReceivedHandlers.length; i++)
triggerUserListChanged(userListChangedInfo: ChatUserListChangedInfo): void {
for (var i = 0; i < this.userListChangedHandlers.length; i++)
triggerRoomListChanged(roomListChangedInfo: ChatRoomListChangedInfo): void {
for (var i = 0; i < this.roomListChangedHandlers.length; i++)
// event handlers
registeredListernersIds: Array<number>;
messagesChangedHandlers: Array<(message: ChatMessageInfo) => void>;
typingSignalReceivedHandlers: Array<(typingSignal: ChatTypingSignalInfo) => void>;
userListChangedHandlers: Array<(userListData: ChatUserListChangedInfo) => void>;
roomListChangedHandlers: Array<(roomListData: ChatRoomListChangedInfo) => void>;
// hub client
hubClient: HubProxy;
handlersIndex: number;
class YatAdapterOptions { // the name of the ChatJS SignalR hub in the server. Default is chatHub hubUrl: string; hubName: string; }
class YatAdapter implements IAdapter {
constructor(options: YatAdapterOptions) {
var defaultOptions = new YatAdapterOptions();
defaultOptions.hubUrl = "chatHub";
defaultOptions.hubName = "mensagemHub";
this.options = $.extend({}, defaultOptions, options);
init(done: () => void) {
var _this = this;
var connection = $.hubConnection();
connection.url = this.options.hubUrl;
this.hub = connection.createHubProxy(this.options.hubName);
// Esta linha abaixo permite chamada de cross origin pelo chrome.
connection.start({ jsonp: true }).done(function () {
console.log('Iniciando comunicação Signalr do Chat. HUB Responsável: MensagemHub.');
_this.hub.invoke('signOn', $('#Token').val());
this.client = new YatClientAdapter(this.hub);
this.server = new YatServerAdapter(this.hub, this.client);
//if (!window.chatJsHubReady)
// window.chatJsHubReady = $.connection.hub.start();
//window.chatJsHubReady.done(() => {
// // function passed by ChatJS to the adapter to be called when the adapter initialization is completed
// done();
// functions called by the server, to contact the client
client: IClientAdapter;
// functions called by the client, to contact the server
server: IServerAdapter;
hub: HubProxy;
options: YatAdapterOptions;
@rpaschoal, do you have example C# code for this? Much appreciated.
Edit: I found the original examples here:
Cool @chadboettcher !
I noticed there already is a SignalR adapter in ChatJs/js that does not work. I have gotten SignalR 2.0 working with chatjs 1.0 and a ChatHub similar to this demo:
but haven't been able to replicate it with this new version. Any suggestions?
Guys, does someone have a working SignalR example with this version of ChatJs?
@rpaschoal and @andrerpena ,
Apparently, code written by rpaschoal was merged into chatjs and it made it unusable. Multiple errors, undefined things like "YatServerAdapter" inside chatjs\ChatJs\js\jquery.chatjs.messageboard.ts , multiple instances of Portuguese in method names and comments, Typescript not corresponding to JavaScript, etc.
Is there a chance some of you return to this project and make it workable again?
Hello @vkelman,
Sorry about the portuguese messages that were left over. I was using this on a project and just wanted to contribute with many bug fixes I applied to the existing plugin.
I am not sure what you mean by JS not matching TS as you should compile the TS and get the outputted JS as per TS code.
The only big issue I see now in the code is the "YatServerAdapter" type inside the messageboard ts file. That needs a fix and needs to be changed to the adapter interface. Could you push a fix for this one?
I had a quick look and to fix the undefined error message we just have to remove lines 56 to 61 on the messageboard.ts file.
I will make a pull request for this soon.
@vkelman and @andrerpena ,
I created a pull request that removed the custom adapter code from the messageboard TS file.
I also realised what @vkelman means by difference between TS and JS. @andrerpena could you please build the project again on a typescript compiler and update the JS files available here?
@rpaschoal ,
I understand that during successful compilation existing .js files should be replaced by once generated by Typescript compiler. I just meant that [some of] current .js files in Github repository were not produced from current .ts files - they are different.
Yes, I already tried to comment out lines 56-61 of messageboard.ts file, although I wasn't sure it's right.
But I'm still getting multiple compilation errors (it's possible that they are not independent).
Error 3 Property 'fecharAtendimento' does not exist on type 'IServerAdapter' chatjs\ChatJs\js\jquery.chatjs.userlist.ts 103
What is it? I suppose this was added by you.
Could you help me to resolve the following:
Error 1 Property 'autosize' does not exist on type 'JQuery' chatjs\ChatJs\js\jquery.chatjs.messageboard.ts 63
This is strange: I added
/// <reference path="../../Scripts/Typings/jquery.autosize/jquery.autosize.d.ts"/>
to the top of this file. So, what's wrong?
Error 2 Supplied parameters do not match any signature of call target. chatjs\ChatJs\js\jquery.chatjs.messageboard.ts 91
Don't understand it.
Error 4 Supplied parameters do not match any signature of call target. chatjs\ChatJs\js\jquery.chatjs.controller.ts 85
Error 5 Cannot find name 'chatJs'. chatjs\ChatJs\js\jquery.chatjs.controller.ts 111
@rpaschoal and @andrerpena ,
Just to confirm I did a correct thing:
On the top of jquery.chatjs.messageboard.ts is the followng:
/// <reference path="../../Scripts/Typings/autosize/autosize.d.ts"/>
But NuGet command
Install-Package jquery.autosize.TypeScript.DefinitelyTyped
installs it to a different path:
So, I modified that top line of jquery.chatjs.messageboard.ts to be
/// <reference path="../../Scripts/Typings/jquery.autosize/jquery.autosize.d.ts"/>
Correct? Incorrect? Could it be a reason I'm getting that compilation error mentioned before
Error 1 Property 'autosize' does not exist on type 'JQuery'
@vkelman ,
I also removed the "fecharAtendimento" dependency on the userlist.ts file on the latest pull request.
Now we have to wait for @andrerpena. JS files need to be built again and updated here.
About they typings I have no idea, maybe @andrerpena could clarify it more to you. I just initially contributed with the repo to push some bug fixes (Like one that duplicated the messages on the chat).
@rpaschoal - thank you. I grabbed your updated jquery.chatjs.userlist.ts, it eliminates that error.
I'm still puzzled by the following. Maybe there are some missing references on the tops of jquery.chatjs.controller.ts and jquery.chatjs.messageboard.ts
Error 1 Supplied parameters do not match any signature of call target. chatjs\ChatJs\js\jquery.chatjs.controller.ts 85
Error 2 Cannot find name 'chatJs'. chatjs\ChatJs\js\jquery.chatjs.controller.ts 111
Error 3 Property 'autosize' does not exist on type 'JQuery'. chatjs\ChatJs\js\jquery.chatjs.messageboard.ts 63
Error 4 Supplied parameters do not match any signature of call target. chatjs\ChatJs\js\jquery.chatjs.messageboard.ts 91
In particular, Error 2 Cannot find name 'chatJs'. chatjs\ChatJs\js\jquery.chatjs.controller.ts 111
is pretty obvious: there is no such object as "chatJs" defined in this file. It cannot work this way. But what object should it be?
@rpaschoal - it was you in "Changes to many fixes found on last year. Eg: Duplicated messages whe..." in what you committed on April 20 - you introduced that code in chatjs.controller.ts 111 which has undefined "chatJs". Could you look, please?
I could have a look on that in a few days, at the moment I am preparing a big presentation at work and preparing myself for a trip which I will do shortly.
Appreciate if you could have a look into this with us...
Also when I did that check in ages ago I didn't expect that Andre would just merge without any criteria lol
@rpaschoal - I definitely don't blame you in anything, but rather thankful for your help. I'm trying to choose between several possible initial chat solutions, then I would need to modify my choice to suit our company needs.