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Incremental Search binding does not work

Open ed9w2in6 opened this issue 4 years ago • 0 comments

For some reason the Incremental Search binding <C-S> does not work. Backwards searching <C-R> works though.

Pretty much every other bindings that I know so far is working.

I am using macOS. I tested this on both and

I am pretty sure I do not have terminal emulator or OS keybinds that intercepts <C-S>

System Info:

VIM - Vi IMproved 8.1 (2018 May 18, compiled Jul 5 2020 01:22:14) macOS 10.15.6(19G73) #i.e. Catalina Vimacs (0.96)

Running :verbose imap <C-S>

i  <C-S>       * <C-O>:call <SNR>8_StartSearch('/')<CR><C-O>/
      Last set from ~/.vim/plugin/vimacs.vim line 385

Edit 2020-07-19: At Vimacs version 0.96, the keybind <C-X><C-S> or <C-X><C-C> did not work as well.

Rolling back to Vimacs version 0.93 fixed this. Incremental Search binding <C-S> still does not work though.

ed9w2in6 avatar Jul 17 '20 17:07 ed9w2in6