git-svn-clone-externals copied to clipboard
git-svn-externals-update is not working
if i have externals in subsubfolders of project script does not update them
I had the same problem. This resolved it (I picked some lines from git-svn-externals-update
diff --git a/git-svn-externals-check b/git-svn-externals-check
index fddc313..692daa9 100755
--- a/git-svn-externals-check
+++ b/git-svn-externals-check
@@ -1,19 +1,28 @@
-for dir in *; do
- if [ -d $dir ]; then
- cd $dir
- STATUS=$(git status)
- UNPUSHED=$(git-svn-check-unpushed)
- if [ $(echo $STATUS|grep -c "clean") -lt 1 -o \
- $(echo $UNPUSHED|grep -c "No unpushed") -lt 1 ]; then
- echo '>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>' $dir '<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<'
- git status
- git-svn-check-unpushed
- echo '----------------------------------------'
- else
- echo $dir 'is clean'
- fi
- cd ..
- fi
+toplevel_directory="$(git rev-parse --show-cdup)"
+[ -n "$toplevel_directory" ] && { echo "please run from the toplevel directory"; exit 1; }
+find .git_externals -type d -name .git | while read gitdir; do
+ dir=$(dirname "$gitdir")
+ [ -d $dir ] || continue
+ dir=${dir#.git_externals/}
+ [ -d $dir ] || continue
+ pushd $dir
+ echo $dir
+ STATUS=$(git status)
+ UNPUSHED=$(git-svn-check-unpushed)
+ if [ $(echo $STATUS|grep -c "clean") -lt 1 -o \
+ $(echo $UNPUSHED|grep -c "No unpushed") -lt 1 ]; then
+ echo '>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>' $dir '<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<'
+ git status
+ git-svn-check-unpushed
+ echo '----------------------------------------'
+ else
+ echo $dir 'is clean'
+ fi
+ popd