what-is-algebraic-about-algebraic-effects copied to clipboard
``` * In Example 1.17, the definition of [[op_i]] is correct just for operations of arity 1. (Also in this definition, L and M are swapped from their order in...
``` p. 3, Ex 1.3. "...the second one in x, y, and the last two in x." should probably be, "...the second one x, y, and the last two x."...
Example 2.7 should state that we perform an induction on the tree in order to get it into the desired form.
Žiga Lukšič [2:53 PM] Živjo, trenutno prebiram tvoj 'whats algebraic about algebraic effects', na strani 16 je pri tretji enačbi `update` kjer domnevam, da je mišljen `put`? Žiga Lukšič [3:43...
The example starts by defining _L_ to be a join semilattice, but then it uses the meet operation symbol (`\wedge`) instead of the join operation symbol (`\vee`).
The definition of (bounded) lattice seems to be missing the "absorption" laws.
Thank you for the great writing! I learnt a lot from this. As I was working through Example 1.30, I believe that the map eta should take the generator ()...
In Page 8, Example 1.27 to prove that a group in the category of groups is an abelian group, I don't understand the last step: > Furthermore, taking into account...