BedWars1058 copied to clipboard
in-game scoreboard doesn't show team dead/alive symbols
hey there,
im having problems with the in-game scoreboard.
i cant see the team alive/dead tick/cross symbols beside the team name.
server version: 1.20.1 bedwars1058 version: 23.12.2
what i've already tried:
- adding any other symbol / using any other symbol
- downgrading the plugin version to 23.12.1
plugin list: ajLeaderboards, BedWars1058, *BedWars1058-AntiDrop, *BedWars1058-PopUpTowers, BedWars1058-TeamSelector, Chunky, CoreProtect, DecentHolograms, DeluxeMenus, DiscordSRV, Essentials, EssentialsSpawn, FastAsyncWorldEdit, GriefPrevention, LuckPerms, MyCommand, nLogin, OldCombatMechanics, PL-Hide, PlaceholderAPI, PluginConstructorAPI, ProtocolLib, ServerListPlus, ServersNPC, SkinsRestorer, TAB, Vault, ViaBackwards, ViaRewind, ViaRewind-Legacy-Support, ViaVersion, Votifier, VotingPlugin, Vulcan, WorldGuard
I have the same. did you find a solution?
I have the same. did you find a solution?
Yes. you can use custom sidebar to fix this issue
go to your language file and search for this: sidebar: lobby:
then scroll down a little bit, you will find gamemode name (eg doubles) you can add custom scoreboard which will be only displayed for doubles game. similarly, if you scroll down you will find for 4v4v4v4 which you can use for the 4v4v4v4 gamemode
Doubles: playing: alive: - '&e&lBED WARS' - '' - '&a{nextEvent}:' - '&d{time}' - '' - '&cRed {TeamRedStatus}&r' - '&9Blue {TeamBlueStatus}&r' - '&aGreen {TeamGreenStatus}&r' - '&eYellow {TeamYellowStatus}&r' - '&bAqua {TeamAquaStatus}&r' - '&fWhite {TeamWhiteStatus}&r' - '&dPink {TeamPinkStatus}&r' - '&7Gray {TeamGrayStatus}&r' - '' - '&fKills: &d{kills} &d[{finalKills}]' - '&fBeds: &d{beds}'
(im not sure how to use markdown correctly in github... so please dont mind)
feel free to message me on discord (nob316) if you face any issues related to this :)