BedWars1058 copied to clipboard
Genarator spawnlimit not working
**Describe the bug**
To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:
**Expected behavior** -That it wil be Fixed. Because i want to make my server public as soon as possible. -->System (please complete the following information):
- OS: <!-- Oracle Cloud: Linux ubuntu --!>
- Server software <!-- PaperSpigot --!>
- Server Version <!-- 1.8.8 --!>
- Plugin Version <!-- 22.3.4 --!>
Additional context
You provided almost no information. I just tested it on my server and it works fine
Does it always not work or only certain area groups or?
Same bug Solo, 4 teams, start game with one player minimum.
Bug work only on my team when i play solo for test.
I checked, the problem appears when we improve the forge, there is no more item spawn limit.
Is it still relevant? Does it happen on the latest version? please provide a server log if thats the case
No not really