BedWars1058 copied to clipboard
Teams are same and the team didn't win.
Teams are the same and the team didn't win.
in this image the enemy team is in my team and we didn't even win and nothing happened tho
There is little information to understand the bug, please use the template and explain more
Describe the bug A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:
- Go to '...'
- Click on '....'
- Scroll down to '....'
- See error
Expected behavior A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.
Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
System (please complete the following information):
- OS: [e.g. iOS]
- Server software [e.g. spigot, paper]
- Server Version [e.g. 1.8.8]
- Plugin Version [e.g. 21.10.1]
Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.
He is telling that When you join any arenaGroup other than Solo and have minimum player to start to 2 then both the players are in the same team instead of balancing the team to like red and blue
I have the same problem with all the server version. 1.8-1.16 Please fix it. Also if you do /bw start debug with 2 players in The Doubles 3v3v3v3 4v4v4v4 then you get into same team instead of being seperate teams
Disable the experimental team assigner in the config
still having issues
still having issues
Did you disable the experimental team assigner?
Yes, when i do that the problem doesn't gets loved and when we try to leave it says "Victory" and the whole server restarts :/
Is this issue still relevant? I have seen some similair issues regarding teams not being balanced properly but that doesnt really seem the case here.
Might also have something to do with using /bw start debug because this prevents the game from ending with just one team. Thats why debug is only used for... debugging :)
I'm sorry, I don't use this plugin anymore.
Is this issue still relevant? I have seen some similair issues regarding teams not being balanced properly but that doesnt really seem the case here.
Might also have something to do with using /bw start debug because this prevents the game from ending with just one team. Thats why debug is only used for... debugging :)
Just enable "experimental team assignment" in config and start the game normally and experimental team assignment is true by default
experimental team assignment It doesn't work