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A nice and fast way to construct 2D Voronoi Diagrams
adds the ability to select either a premade or custom distance function to use
Thanks for a really easy to use package. I have been experimented with it to generate large 2d maps for games, and have seen that it soon starts taking a...
I'm trying to build Voronoi diagram from grid-like set of points. I've two such sets of sites: for first one this implementation works perfectly, but for second one it panics...
I would like to have a circular boundary for my voronoi diagram, or at least a close approximation using polygons. This could be done by replacing the bounding-box with a...
delaunator may ignore sites extremely close and skip them from the triangulation (https://github.com/mourner/delaunator-rs/issues/18). This scenario needs to be handled during voronoi construction. Currently it fails with error: ``` thread 'main'...