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When I Launch LispBox A Second Time It Is Very Unhappy

Open bambams opened this issue 13 years ago • 3 comments

Sorry for the vague title, but I'm an Emacs n00b and I'm not really sure what part of Lispbox is failing. :P When I launch it the first time all seems happy. When I launch it a second time (without exiting or without exiting gracefully) then it seems to fail. It doesn't seem to come with any documentation. That would help. :) Am I doing something wrong or is the project just finicky/unstable?

Backtrace buffer:

Debugger entered: (("Error in timer" slime-attempt-connection (#<process inferior-lisp> nil 2) (file-error "make client process failed" "Connection refused" :name "SLIME Lisp" :buffer nil :host "" :service 47061)))
  (condition-case data (apply fun args) (error (debug nil ...)))
  slime-timer-call(slime-attempt-connection #<process inferior-lisp> nil 2)
  apply(slime-timer-call (slime-attempt-connection #<process inferior-lisp> nil 2))
  byte-code("\301\302H\303H\"\207" [timer apply 5 6] 4)
  timer-event-handler([t 20142 46176 22045 0.3 slime-timer-call (slime-attempt-connection #<process inferior-lisp> nil 2) nil])

inferior-lisp buffer:

(progn (load "/home/bamccaig/src/lispbox-0.7/slime-20110205.092829/swank-loader.lisp" :verbose t) (funcall (read-from-string "swank-loader:init")) (funcall (read-from-string "swank:start-server") "/tmp/slime.28964" :coding-system "iso-latin-1-unix"))

Welcome to Clozure Common Lisp Version 1.6-r14468M  (LinuxX8632)!
? ;Loading #P"/home/bamccaig/src/lispbox-0.7/slime-20110205.092829/swank-loader.lisp"...
;Loading #P"/home/bamccaig/.slime/fasl/2011-02-04/clozure-version_1.6-r14468m__(linuxx8632)-linux-x86/swank-backend.lx32fsl"...
;Loading #P"/home/bamccaig/.slime/fasl/2011-02-04/clozure-version_1.6-r14468m__(linuxx8632)-linux-x86/metering.lx32fsl"...
;Loading #P"/home/bamccaig/.slime/fasl/2011-02-04/clozure-version_1.6-r14468m__(linuxx8632)-linux-x86/swank-ccl.lx32fsl"...
;Loading #P"/home/bamccaig/.slime/fasl/2011-02-04/clozure-version_1.6-r14468m__(linuxx8632)-linux-x86/swank-gray.lx32fsl"...
;Loading #P"/home/bamccaig/.slime/fasl/2011-02-04/clozure-version_1.6-r14468m__(linuxx8632)-linux-x86/swank-match.lx32fsl"...
;Loading #P"/home/bamccaig/.slime/fasl/2011-02-04/clozure-version_1.6-r14468m__(linuxx8632)-linux-x86/swank-rpc.lx32fsl"...
;Loading #P"/home/bamccaig/.slime/fasl/2011-02-04/clozure-version_1.6-r14468m__(linuxx8632)-linux-x86/swank.lx32fsl"...
; Warning: These Swank interfaces are unimplemented:
; While executing: SWANK-BACKEND::WARN-UNIMPLEMENTED-INTERFACES, in process listener(1).
;; Swank started at port: 47061.
;; swank:close-connection: Unexpected end of file on #<BASIC-TCP-STREAM ISO-8859-1 (SOCKET/6) #x186911A6>

Messages buffer:

Warning: arch-dependent data dir (/tmp/lispbox-0.7/emacs-23.2/libexec/emacs/23.2/i686-pc-linux-gnu/) does not exist.
Warning: Lisp directory `/tmp/lispbox-0.7/emacs-23.2/share/emacs/23.2/site-lisp' does not exist.
Warning: Lisp directory `/tmp/lispbox-0.7/emacs-23.2/share/emacs/site-lisp' does not exist.
Warning: Lisp directory `/tmp/lispbox-0.7/emacs-23.2/share/emacs/23.2/lisp' does not exist.
Warning: Lisp directory `/tmp/lispbox-0.7/emacs-23.2/share/emacs/23.2/leim' does not exist.

("/home/bamccaig/src/lispbox-0.7/emacs-23.2/bin/emacs" "--eval=(progn (load \"lispbox\") (slime))")
For information about GNU Emacs and the GNU system, type C-h C-a.
Loading /home/bamccaig/src/lispbox-0.7/emacs-23.2/share/emacs/site-lisp/lispbox.el (source)...
Loading /home/bamccaig/src/lispbox-0.7/ccl-1.6-linuxx86/lispbox-register.el (source)...done
Loading /home/bamccaig/src/lispbox-0.7/emacs-23.2/share/emacs/site-lisp/lispbox.el (source)...done
Polling "/tmp/slime.28964".. (Abort with `M-x slime-abort-connection'.) [5 times]
Connecting to Swank on port 47061.. [2 times]
Entering debugger...

bambams avatar Oct 31 '11 17:10 bambams

Hi Brandon,

I don't think you are doing anything wrong. It seems that the common lisp part of slime, swank, is somehow failing to load the second time around. As a workaround, could you try deleting the /home/bamccaig/.slime/fasl folder? Swank is compiled when first loaded, and the next time it tries to load the already compiled files which are found in this folder. Please let me know whether this works.

Also, what linux distribution are you running, and which version (32 or 64-bit)? Are you using the 32-bit or 64-bit version of lispbox? I'd like to see if I can reproduce this myself.

Documentation for lispbox is sadly lacking, you might have more luck reviewing the documentation for SLIME and CCL. Unfortunately I don't have the time to give this project much love any time soon.

andreer avatar Nov 01 '11 08:11 andreer


On Tue, Nov 01, 2011 at 01:19:54AM -0700, Andreas Eriksen wrote:

I don't think you are doing anything wrong. It seems that the common lisp part of slime, swank, is somehow failing to load the second time around. As a workaround, could you try deleting the /home/bamccaig/.slime/fasl folder? Swank is compiled when first loaded, and the next time it tries to load the already compiled files which are found in this folder. Please let me know whether this works.

Unfortunately, no, it didn't work. :( Seems to be the same result after a rm -fR ~/.slime/fasl/. I also tried removing ~/.slime-history.eld, but same result. Finally, I also removed ~/.emacs.d/ and then it works again. :)

Also, what linux distribution are you running, and which version (32 or 64-bit)? Are you using the 32-bit or 64-bit version of lispbox? I'd like to see if I can reproduce this myself.

Running on a 32-bit Debian 6.0.3 (and of course 32-bit lispbox). :)

Documentation for lispbox is sadly lacking, you might have more luck reviewing the documentation for SLIME and CCL. Unfortunately I don't have the time to give this project much love any time soon.

I understand how that goes. :) It's workaround-able in the meantime.


Brandon McCaig [email protected] [email protected] Castopulence Software Blog perl -E '$_=q{V zrna gur orfg jvgu jung V fnl. }. q{Vg qbrfa'''g nyjnlf fbhaq gung jnl.}; tr/A-Ma-mN-Zn-z/N-Zn-zA-Ma-m/;say'

bambams avatar Nov 06 '11 00:11 bambams

Or I spoke too soon. :P Now I can't get it going again, even after removing ~/.emacs.d, ~/.slime, and ~/.slime-history.eld. :P

bambams avatar Nov 06 '11 01:11 bambams