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C# simple guide - Discovering csharp through code samples.
C# Quick Reference Guide
Discovering csharp through code samples. 😉
Table of Contents
- Hello World
- Comments
- Variables
- By Feature
- Type Conversion
- Sizeof
- Operators
- Decision Making
- Loops
- Methods
- Nullables
- Arrays
- Strings
- Structures
- Enums
- Classes
- Polymorphism
- Inheritance
- Abstract
- Interface
- Exception Handling
- Checked
- Delegate
- Event
- Explicit
- Extern
- Fixed
- Goto
- Implicit
- Access Modifiers
- Is
- Lock
- Override
- Readonly
- Method Parameters
- Sealed
- Stackalloc
- Static
- This
- Typeof
- Unsafe
- Using static
- Virtual
- Volatile
- Generics
- Generic Collections
- C# Keywords
- Contextual Keywords
- Contributing
- License
By Version
C# 2.0
- Generics
- Partial types
- Anonymous methods
- Iterators
- Nullable types
- Getter and setter separate accessibility
- Method group conversions (delegates)
- Covariance and Contravariance for delegates
- Static classes
- Delegate inference
- Namespace alias (TODO)
C# 3.0
- Implicitly typed local variables
- Object and collection initializers
- Auto-Implemented properties
- Anonymous types
- Extension methods
- Query expressions
- Lambda expressions
- Expression trees
- Partial methods
C# 4.0
- Dynamic binding
- Named and optional arguments
- Generic co and contravariance
C# 5.0
- Asynchronous methods
- Caller info attributes
C# 6.0
- Compiler as a service Roslyn
- Import of static type members into namespace
- Exception filters
- Await in catch finally blocks
- Auto property initializers
- Default values for getter only properties
- Expression-bodied members
- Null propagator (null-conditional operator, succinct null checking)
- String interpolation
- nameof operator
- Dictionary initializer
C# 7.0
- Out variables
- Tuples
- Discards (TODO)
- Pattern matching
- Deconstruction
- Ref returns and locals (TODO)
- Local functions
- More expression-bodied members (TODO)
- throw Expressions (TODO)
- Generalized async return types (TODO)
- Numeric literal syntax improvements (TODO)
C# 7.1
- Async main (TODO)
- Default literal expressions (TODO)
- Inferred tuple element names (TODO)
C# 7.2
- Reference semantics with value types (TODO)
- Non-trailing named arguments (TODO)
- Leading underscores in numeric literals (TODO)
- private protected access modifier (TODO)
C# 7.3
- More efficient safe code (TODO)
- Existing features better (TODO)
C# 8.0
- Readonly members (TODO)
- Default interface members (TODO)
- Pattern matching enhancements (TODO)
- Using declarations (TODO)
- Static local functions (TODO)
- Disposable ref structs (TODO)
- Nullable reference types (TODO)
- Asynchronous streams (TODO)
- Indices and ranges (TODO)
C# 9.0
- Record types
- Init only setters
- Top-level statements
- Pattern matching enhancements (TODO)
- Performance and interop (TODO)
- Fit and finish features (TODO)
- Support for code generators (TODO)
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Hello World
using System;
namespace HelloWorldApplication
class HelloWorld
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Hello World");
Top-level statements
[C# 9.0]
System.Console.WriteLine("Hello World");
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/* The
comments */
// Single-line comments
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class MainClass {
// Value type
enum myEnum { Zero, One };
static void Main () {
// Value types
bool myBool = true; // True or false
byte myByte = 255; // 0 to 255
char myChar = 'a'; // U +0000 to U +ffff
decimal myDecimal = 1m; // 128-bit decimal values
double myDouble = 1d; // 64-bit double-precision
float myFloat = 1f; // 32-bit single-precision
int myInt = 1; // -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
long myLong = 1L; // 64-bit signed integer type
sbyte mySbyte = 1; // -128 to 127
short myShort = 1; // -32,768 to 32,767
uint myUint = 1; // 0 to 4,294,967,295
ulong myUlong = 1; // 0 to 18,446,744,073,709,551,615
ushort myUshort = 1; // 0 to 65,535
// Reference types
dynamic myDynamic = 1; // Bypass compile-time type checking
object myObject = new myClass();
string myString = "test";
// Pointer types
unsafe {
int* myIntVariable; // Int variable address
// Reference type
class myClass { };
interface myInterface { };
delegate void myDelegate();
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Type Conversion
Convert.ToBoolean(x); // Converts a type to a Boolean value
Convert.ToByte(x); // Converts a type to a byte
Convert.ToChar(x); // Converts a type to a single Unicode character
Convert.ToDateTime(x); // Converts a type (integer or string type) to date-time structures
Convert.ToDecimal(x); // Converts a floating point or integer type to a decimal type
Convert.ToDouble(x); // Converts a type to a double type
Convert.ToInt16(x); // Converts a type to a 16-bit integer
Convert.ToInt32(x); // Converts a type to a 32-bit integer
Convert.ToInt64(x); // Converts a type to a 64-bit integer
Convert.ToSbyte(x); // Converts a type to a signed byte type
Convert.ToSingle(x); // Converts a type to a small floating point number
Convert.ToString(x); // Converts a type to a string
Convert.ToType(x); // Converts a type to a specified type
Convert.ToUInt16(x); // Converts a type to an unsigned int type
Convert.ToUInt32(x); // Converts a type to an unsigned long type
Convert.ToUInt64(x); // Converts a type to an unsigned big integer
- As
SomeType x = y as SomeType;
if (x != null)
// Do something
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// Constant value 4:
int intSize = sizeof(int);
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- Arithmetic Operators
x + y // Adds two operands
x - y // Subtracts second operand from the first
x * y // Multiplies both operands
x / y // Divides numerator by de-numerator
x % y // Modulus Operator and remainder of after an integer division
x++ // Increment operator increases integer value by one
x-- // Decrement operator decreases integer value by one
- Relational Operators
(x == y) // Checks if the values of two operands are equal
(x != y) // Checks if the values of two operands are equal or not
(x > y) // Checks if the value of left operand is greater than the value of right operand
(x < y) // Checks if the value of left operand is less than the value of right operand
(x >= y) // Checks if the value of left operand is greater than or equal to the value of right operand
(x <= y) // Checks if the value of left operand is less than or equal to the value of right operand
- Logical Operators
(x && y) // Logical AND operator
(x || y) // Logical OR Operator
!(x || y) // Logical NOT Operator
- Overload a built-in operator
[Run example] [Oficial docs]
using System;
class Fraction
int num, den;
public Fraction(int num, int den)
this.num = num;
this.den = den;
// overload operator +
public static Fraction operator +(Fraction a, Fraction b)
return new Fraction(a.num * b.den + b.num * a.den,
a.den * b.den);
// user-defined conversion from Fraction to double
public static implicit operator double(Fraction f)
return (double)f.num / f.den;
static void Main () {
Fraction x = new Fraction(1, 2);
Fraction y = new Fraction(3, 4);
Console.WriteLine ((double)x + y);
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Decision Making
- If statement
[Run example]
/* boolean expression is true */
- If else statements
[Run example]
/* boolean expression is true */
/* expression is false */
- If, else if, else statements
[Run example]
/* boolean expression 1 is true */
else if (boolean_expression2)
/* boolean expression 2 is true */
/* expression 1 and 2 are false */
- Nested if statements
[Run example]
if( boolean_expression1)
/* boolean expression 1 is true */
/* expression 2 is true */
- Switch statement
[Run example]
case 1 :
case 2 :
default : /* Optional */
Console.WriteLine("Invalid place!");
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- While loop
[Run example]
- For loop
[Run example]
for (int x = 0; x < 10; x++)
Console.WriteLine($"value of x: {x}");
- Do...while loop
[Run example]
int x = 0;
Console.WriteLine($"value of x: {x}");
while (x < 10);
- Nested loops
[Run example]
for (int x = 0; x < 10; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < 10; y++)
Console.WriteLine($"x: {x}, y: {y}");
- Break Statement
[Run example]
int x = 0;
while (x < 10)
Console.WriteLine($"value of x: {x}");
if (x > 5)
/* terminate the loop using break statement */
- Continue Statement
[Run example]
int x = 0;
if (x == 5)
/* skips printing 6 */
Console.WriteLine($"value of x: {x}");
while (x < 10);
- Foreach, in
[Run example]
ArrayList numbers = new ArrayList();
Console.WriteLine($"Count: {numbers.Count}");
foreach (int number in numbers)
Console.Write(number + " ");
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using System;
namespace CalculatorApplication
class Calculator
public int Sum(int x, int y)
return x + y;
static void Main(string[] args)
var result = Sum(2, 2);
Console.WriteLine("result: {0}", result);
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[C# 2.0]
int? x = null;
int? y = 2;
int? variableName = null;
double? variableName = null;
bool? variableName = null;
int?[] arr = new int?[10];
var z = x ?? 10; // Null Coalescing Operator
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double[] balance = new double[10]; // Initializing an Array
double[] marks = { 1, 2, 3 }; // Assigning Values to an Array
balance[0] = 10;
var first = balance[0];
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string name = "John doe";
Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}", name);
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struct Books
public string title;
public string author;
public string subject;
public int book_id;
Books book1; /* Declare Book1 of type Book */
book1.title = "Csharp Programming";
Console.WriteLine( "Book 1 title : {0}", Book1.title);
Books book2 = new Books() {title = "Hamlet", author = "William Shakespeare", subject = "tragedy", book_id = 1};
Console.WriteLine( "Book 1 title : {0}", Book2.title);
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enum Days { Sun, Mon, tue, Wed, thu, Fri, Sat };
Console.WriteLine("Monday: {0}", (int)Days.Mon);
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class Person
public string Name { get; set; }
public int Age { get; set; }
public Person(int age, string name)
Age = age;
Name = name;
public int Talk()
return "Hello!";
public class Application
static void Main()
Person person = new Person("Bill", 42);
Console.WriteLine("person Name = {0} Age = {1}", person.Name, person.Age);
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public class Shape
// A few example members
public int X { get; private set; }
public int Y { get; private set; }
public int Height { get; set; }
public int Width { get; set; }
// Virtual method
public virtual void Draw()
Console.WriteLine("Performing base class drawing tasks");
class Circle : Shape
public override void Draw()
// Code to draw a circle...
Console.WriteLine("Drawing a circle");
class Rectangle : Shape
public override void Draw()
// Code to draw a rectangle...
Console.WriteLine("Drawing a rectangle");
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class Shape
public void setWidth(int w)
width = w;
public void setHeight(int h)
height = h;
protected int width;
protected int height;
// Derived class
class Rectangle: Shape
public int getArea()
return (width * height);
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abstract class BaseClass
protected int _x = 100;
protected int _y = 150;
public abstract void AbstractMethod();
class DerivedClass : BaseClass
public override void AbstractMethod()
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public interface IPerson
// interface members
public int Talk();
class Person : IPerson
public string Name { get; set; }
public int Age { get; set; }
public Person(int age, string name)
Age = age;
Name = name;
public int Talk()
return "Hello!";
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Exception Handling
// statements causing exception
catch( ExceptionName e1 )
// error handling code
catch( ExceptionName e2 )
// error handling code
catch( ExceptionName eN )
// error handling code
// statements to be executed
- Exception filters [C# 6.0]
throw new Exception("Exception 1");
catch(Exception ex) when(ex.Message == "Exception 2")
Console.WriteLine("caught Exception 2");
catch(Exception ex) when(ex.Message == "Exception 1")
Console.WriteLine("caught Exception 1");
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Checked and Unchecked
- Checked
// The following statements are checked by default at compile time. They do not
// compile.
int1 = 2147483647 + 10;
int1 = ConstantMax + 10;
// If the previous sum is attempted in a checked environment, an
// OverflowException error is raised.
// Checked expression.
Console.WriteLine(checked(2147483647 + ten));
- Unchecked
// The following statements compile and run.
int1 = 2147483647 + 10;
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// Declare delegate, defines required signature:
delegate double MathAction(double num);
class DelegateTest
// Regular method that matches signature:
static double Double(double input)
return input * 2;
static void Main()
// Instantiate delegate with named method:
MathAction multByTwo = Double;
// Invoke delegate multByTwo:
Console.WriteLine(multByTwo(4.5)); // 9
// Instantiate delegate with anonymous method:
MathAction square = delegate(double input)
return input * input;
Console.WriteLine(square(5)); // 25
// Instantiate delegate with lambda expression
MathAction cube = s => s * s * s;
Console.WriteLine(cube(4.375)); // 83.740234375
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public class SampleEventArgs
public SampleEventArgs(string s) { Text = s; }
public String Text {get; private set;} // readonly
public class Publisher
// Declare the delegate (if using non-generic pattern).
public delegate void SampleEventHandler(object sender, SampleEventArgs e);
// Declare the event.
public event SampleEventHandler SampleEvent;
// Wrap the event in a protected virtual method
// to enable derived classes to raise the event.
protected virtual void RaiseSampleEvent()
// Raise the event by using the () operator.
if (SampleEvent != null)
SampleEvent(this, new SampleEventArgs("Hello"));
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// Must be defined inside a class called Fahrenheit:
public static explicit operator Celsius(Fahrenheit fahr)
return new Celsius((5.0f / 9.0f) * (fahr.degrees - 32));
Fahrenheit fahr = new Fahrenheit(100.0f);
Console.Write("{0} Fahrenheit", fahr.Degrees);
Celsius c = (Celsius)fahr;
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// Used to declare a method that is implemented externally
private static extern void AVIFileInit();
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class Point
public int x;
public int y;
// Fixed prevents the garbage collector from relocating a movable variable
// The fixed statement is only permitted in an unsafe context
unsafe static void TestMethod()
// Variable pt is a managed variable, subject to garbage collection.
Point pt = new Point();
// Using fixed allows the address of pt members to be taken,
// and "pins" pt so that it is not relocated.
fixed (int* p = &pt.x)
*p = 1;
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// Transfers the program control directly to a labeled statement
switch (option)
case 1:
Console.WriteLine("Case 1.");
case 2:
Console.WriteLine("Case 2.");
goto case 1;
case 3:
Console.WriteLine("Case 3.");
goto case 1;
Console.WriteLine("Invalid selection.");
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
if (i = 5)
goto Found;
Console.WriteLine("Found 5!");
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class Digit
public Digit(double d) { val = d; }
public double val;
// ...other members
// User-defined conversion from Digit to double
public static implicit operator double(Digit d)
return d.val;
// User-defined conversion from double to Digit
public static implicit operator Digit(double d)
return new Digit(d);
// Use
// Implicit "double" operator
double num = dig;
// Implicit "Digit" operator
Digit dig2 = 12;
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Access Modifiers
public // Access is not restricted
protected // Access is limited to the containing class or types derived from the containing class
internal // Access is limited to the current assembly
protected internal // Access is limited to the current assembly or types derived from the containing class
private // Access is limited to the containing type
private protected // Access is limited to the containing class or types derived from the containing class
// within the current assembly
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if (obj is Person) { // Checks if an object is compatible with a given type
// Do something if obj is a Person.
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class Account
decimal balance;
private Object thisLock = new Object();
public void Withdraw(decimal amount)
lock (thisLock) // Ensures that one thread does not enter a critical section of code
// while another thread is in the critical section.
if (amount > balance)
throw new Exception("Insufficient funds");
balance -= amount;
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abstract class ShapesClass
abstract public int Area(); // Abstract method to override
class Square : ShapesClass
int side = 0;
public Square(int n)
side = n;
// Area method is required to avoid
// a compile-time error.
public override int Area() // Overridden implementation
return side * side;
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class Age
readonly int _year;
Age(int year)
_year = year;
void ChangeYear()
//_year = 1967; // Compile error if uncommented.
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Method Parameters
- Params
public static void UseParams(params object[] list) // Variable number of arguments.
for (int i = 0; i < list.Length; i++)
Console.Write(list[i] + " ");
UseParams(1, 'a', "test");
- Ref
class RefExample
static void Method(ref int i)
i = i + 44;
static void Main()
int val = 1;
Method(ref val);
Console.WriteLine(val); // 45
- Out
[C# 7.0]
- Parameter modifier
class OutExample { static void Method(out int i) { i = 44; } static void Main() { int value; Method(out value); Console.WriteLine(value); // value is now 44 } }
- Generic type parameter declarations
// Covariant interface. interface ICovariant<out R> { } // Extending covariant interface. interface IExtCovariant<out R> : ICovariant<R> { } // Implementing covariant interface. class Sample<R> : ICovariant<R> { } class Program { static void Test() { ICovariant<Object> iobj = new Sample<Object>(); ICovariant<String> istr = new Sample<String>(); // You can assign istr to iobj because // the ICovariant interface is covariant. iobj = istr; } }
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class A {}
sealed class B : A {} // No class can inherit from class B
class X
protected virtual void F() { Console.WriteLine("X.F"); }
protected virtual void F2() { Console.WriteLine("X.F2"); }
class Y : X
sealed protected override void F() { Console.WriteLine("Y.F"); }
protected override void F2() { Console.WriteLine("Y.F2"); }
class Z : Y
// Attempting to override F causes compiler error CS0239.
// protected override void F() { Console.WriteLine("C.F"); }
// Overriding F2 is allowed.
protected override void F2() { Console.WriteLine("Z.F2"); }
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class Fibonacci
static unsafe void Main() // Unsafe code context
const int arraySize = 20;
int* fib = stackalloc int[arraySize]; // Allocate a block of memory on the stack
int* p = fib;
// The sequence begins with 1, 1.
*p++ = *p++ = 1;
for (int i = 2; i < arraySize; ++i, ++p)
// Sum the previous two numbers.
*p = p[-1] + p[-2];
for (int i = 0; i < arraySize; ++i)
// Keep the console window open in debug mode.
System.Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit.");
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// Declare a static member, which belongs to the type itself rather than to a specific object.
static class CompanyEmployee
public static void DoSomething() { /*...*/ }
public static void DoSomethingElse() { /*...*/ }
class Employee
public static string name;
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// Use to qualify members hidden by similar names
public Employee(string name)
this.name = name;
// Use to pass an object as a parameter to other methods
// Use to declare indexers
public int this[int param]
get { return array[param]; }
set { array[param] = value; }
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System.Type type = typeof(int); // System.Int32
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unsafe static void FastCopy(byte[] src, byte[] dst, int count)
// Unsafe context: can use pointers here.
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Using static
using static System.Console; // Designates a type whose static members you can
// access without specifying a type name.
class Program
static void Main()
WriteLine("Hello world!"); // Without specifying Console
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class MyBaseClass
// virtual auto-implemented property. Overrides can only
// provide specialized behavior if they implement get and set accessors.
public virtual string Name { get; set; }
// ordinary virtual property with backing field
private int num;
public virtual int Number
get { return num; }
set { num = value; }
class MyDerivedClass : MyBaseClass
private string name;
// Override auto-implemented property with ordinary property
// to provide specialized accessor behavior.
public override string Name
return name;
if (value != String.Empty)
name = value;
name = "Unknown";
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class VolatileTest
public volatile int i; // Indicates that a field might be modified by multiple
// threads that are executing at the same time
public void Test(int _i)
i = _i;
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[C# 2.0]
// Declare the generic class.
public class GenericList<T>
void Add(T input) { }
class TestGenericList
private class ExampleClass { }
static void Main()
// Declare a list of type int.
GenericList<int> list1 = new GenericList<int>();
// Declare a list of type string.
GenericList<string> list2 = new GenericList<string>();
// Declare a list of type ExampleClass.
GenericList<ExampleClass> list3 = new GenericList<ExampleClass>();
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Partial Types
[C# 2.0]
// Declare first partial class
public partial class MyClass
int x;
// Declare second partial class
public partial class MyClass
int y;
// Declare third partial class
public partial class MyClass
public MyClass()
this.x = 10;
this.y = 20;
// The three partials will generate just one class after compiled
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Anonymous methods
[C# 2.0]
// Declare a delegate.
delegate void Printer(string s);
// Instantiate the delegate type using an anonymous method.
Printer p = delegate(string j)
// Results from the anonymous delegate call.
p("The delegate using the anonymous method is called.");
// Output: The delegate using the anonymous method is called.
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[C# 2.0]
// Iterator can be used to step through collections such as lists and arrays
class Department
private List<Employees> _employees;
public IEnumerator<Employees> GetEnumerator()
foreach (Employees emp in _employees)
yield return emp;
static void Main(string[] args)
Department dept = new Department("MyDepartment");
foreach (Employees emp in dept)
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Getter and setter separate accessibility
[C# 2.0]
class Customer
{ // Different accessibility on get and set accessors using accessor-modifier
public string Name { get; protected set; }
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Method group conversions
[C# 2.0]
// suppose we have a method called RemoveSpaces(string s) and a delegate called Del
// to assign a method to the delegate:
Del d = RemoveSpaces;
Covariance and Contravariance for delegates
[C# 2.0]
static object GetObject() { return null; }
static void SetObject(object obj) { }
static string GetString() { return “”; }
static void SetString(string str) { }
// Covariance. A delegate specifies a return type as object,
// but I can assign a method that returns a string.
Func<object> del = GetString;
// Contravariance. A delegate specifies a parameter type as string,
// but I can assign a method that takes an object.
Action<string> del2 = SetObject;
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Delegate inference
[C# 2.0]
//create a delegate instance without the new keyword part
delegate void SomeAction();
SomeAction newStyle = SayHello;
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Implicitly typed local variables
[C# 3.0]
// compiled as an int
var foo = 5;
// compiled as a string
var foo = "Hello";
// compiled as int[]
var foo = new[] { 0, 1, 2 };
// expr is compiled as IEnumerable<Customer> or perhaps IQueryable<Customer>
var foo =
from c in customers
where c.City == "London"
select c;
// compiled as an anonymous type
var foo = new { Name = "Terry", Age = 34 };
// compiled as List<int>
var foo = new List<int>();
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Object and collection initializers
[C# 3.0]
// Object initializer
class Customer
public string Name { get; set; }
public int Age { get; set; }
Customer foo = new Customer { Name = "Spock", Age = 21 };
// Anonymous object initializer
var bar = new { Name = "Spock", Age = 21 };
// Collection initializer
List<Customer> foos = new List<Customer>
new Customer { Name = "John", Age = 21 };
new Customer { Name = "Ringo", Age = 32 };
new Customer { Name = "Paul", Age = 43 };
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Auto-Implemented properties
[C# 3.0]
class Customer
// Auto-Implemented properties for trivial get and set
public int CustomerID { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
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Anonymous Types
[C# 3.0]
// Anonymous types provide a convenient way to encapsulate a set of read-only
// properties into a single object without having to explicitly define a type first
var v = new { Amount = 108, Message = "Hello" };
Console.WriteLine(v.Amount + v.Message);
// Anonymous types typically are used in the select clause of a query expression
// to return a subset of the properties from each object in the source sequence
var productQuery =
from prod in products
select new { prod.Color, prod.Price };
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Extension Methods
[C# 3.0]
// Extension methods enable you to "add" methods to existing types without
// creating a new derived type, recompiling, or otherwise modifying the original type
namespace ExtensionMethods
public static class MyExtensions
public static int WordCount(this String str)
return str.Split(new char[] { ' ', '.', '?' },
string s = "Hello Extension Methods";
// Extension methods are defined as static methods but are called by using instance method syntax
int i = s.WordCount();
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Lambda expressions
[C# 3.0]
// A lambda expression is an anonymous function that you
// can use to create delegates or expression tree types.
delegate int del(int i);
static void Main(string[] args)
del myDelegate = x => x * x;
int j = myDelegate(5); //j = 25
Expression<del> myET = x => x * x;
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Expression trees
[C# 3.0]
// Create an expression using expression lambda
Expression<Func<int, int, int>> expression = (num1, num2) => num1 + num2;
// Compile the expression
Func<int, int, int> compiledExpression = expression.Compile();
// Execute the expression.
int result = compiledExpression(3, 4); //return 7
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Partial methods
[C# 3.0]
partial class MyClass
partial void OnSomethingHappened(string s);
// This part can be in a separate file.
partial class MyClass
// Comment out this method and the program
// will still compile.
partial void OnSomethingHappened(String s)
Console.WriteLine("Something happened: {0}", s);
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Query expressions
[C# 3.0]
// A query is a set of instructions that describes what data to retrieve from a given
// data source (or sources) and what shape and organization the returned data should have.
// Data source.
int[] scores = { 90, 71, 82, 93, 75, 82 };
// Query Expression.
IEnumerable<int> scoreQuery = //query variable
from score in scores //required
where score > 80 // optional
orderby score descending // optional
select score; //must end with select or group
// Execute the query to produce the results
foreach (int testScore in scoreQuery)
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Dynamic binding
[C# 4.0]
// Dynamic binding refers to delaying the process of type resolution from compile time to runtime.
// Static binding
Person obj = new Person();
obj.Run(); // Compiler will try to find a method named Run
// If not found the compiler will generate an error
// Dynamic binding
dynamic obj = new Person();
obj.Run(); // Resolves binding on runtime instead of compile time.
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Named and optional arguments
[C# 4.0]
// Example method
public static int Sum(int firstNumber, int secondNumber = 1)
return firstNumber+ secondNumber;
// Passing parameters using the normal way
Sum(10, 20);
// Passing parameters using named parameter
Sum(firstNumber: 10, secondNumber: 20);
// Passing parameters using default value
// Example method using optional parameters
public int Sum(int firstNumber, [Optional] int secondNumber)
return firstNumber + secondNumber;
// Example method using params keyword
public int Sum(int firstNumber, params int[] numbers)
int total = 0;
foreach (int number in numbers)
number += number;
return total + firstNumber;
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Generic co and contravariance
[C# 4.0]
- Covariance
// Enables you to use a more derived type than originally specified
IEnumerable<Derived> d = new List<Derived>();
IEnumerable<Base> b = d;
- Contravariance
// Enables you to use a more generic (less derived) type than originally specified
Action<Base> b = (target) => { Console.WriteLine(target.GetType().Name); };
Action<Derived> d = b;
d(new Derived());
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Caller info attributes
[C# 5.0]
public void DoProcessing()
TraceMessage("Something happened.");
public void TraceMessage(string message,
[CallerMemberName] string memberName = "",
[CallerFilePath] string sourceFilePath = "",
[CallerLineNumber] int sourceLineNumber = 0)
Trace.WriteLine("message: " + message); // message: Something happened
Trace.WriteLine("member name: " + memberName); // member name: DoProcessing
Trace.WriteLine("file path: " + sourceFilePath); // file path: c:\Users\username\Documents\Form1.cs
Trace.WriteLine("source line number: " + sourceLineNumber); // source line number: 31
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Asynchronous methods
[C# 5.0]
// For I/O-bound code, you await an operation which returns a Task or Task<T> inside of an async method.
private readonly HttpClient _httpClient = new HttpClient();
downloadButton.Clicked += async (o, e) =>
// This line will yield control to the UI as the request
// from the web service is happening.
// The UI thread is now free to perform other work.
var stringData = await _httpClient.GetStringAsync(URL);
// For CPU-bound code, you await an operation which is started on a background thread with the Task.Run method.
private DamageResult CalculateDamageDone()
// Code omitted:
// Does an expensive calculation and returns
// the result of that calculation.
calculateButton.Clicked += async (o, e) =>
// This line will yield control to the UI while CalculateDamageDone()
// performs its work. The UI thread is free to perform other work.
var damageResult = await Task.Run(() => CalculateDamageDone());
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Compiler as a service Roslyn
[C# 6.0]
// Roslyn provides open-source C# and Visual Basic compilers with rich code analysis APIs.
const string programText =
@"using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace HelloWorld
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine(""Hello, World!"");
// Syntax analysis traversing trees
// Build the syntax tree
SyntaxTree tree = CSharpSyntaxTree.ParseText(programText);
CompilationUnitSyntax root = tree.GetCompilationUnitRoot(); // Retrieve the root node of that tree
// Examine the nodes in the tree.
WriteLine($"The tree is a {root.Kind()} node.");
WriteLine($"The tree has {root.Members.Count} elements in it.");
WriteLine($"The tree has {root.Usings.Count} using statements. They are:");
foreach (UsingDirectiveSyntax element in root.Usings)
// Semantic analysis Querying symbols
var compilation = CSharpCompilation.Create("HelloWorld")
// Querying the semantic model
SemanticModel model = compilation.GetSemanticModel(tree);
// Use the syntax tree to find "using System;"
UsingDirectiveSyntax usingSystem = root.Usings[0];
NameSyntax systemName = usingSystem.Name;
// Use the semantic model for symbol information:
SymbolInfo nameInfo = model.GetSymbolInfo(systemName);
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Import of static type members into namespace
[C# 6.0]
// Without using static
using System;
// Using static directive designates a type whose static members you can access without specifying a type name.
using static System.Math;
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Await in catch finally blocks
[C# 6.0]
await ThatMayThrowAsync();
catch (ExpectedException ex)
await Logger.LogAsync(ex);
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Auto property initializers
[C# 6.0]
public decimal Price { get; set; } = 0.50m;
public string Name { get; set; } = "John";
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Nameof operator
[C# 6.0]
class Person {
public string Name { get; set; }
var person = new Person();
int number = 0;
string text = "lorem ipsum";
Console.WriteLine(nameof(number)); // number
Console.WriteLine(nameof(text)); // text
Console.WriteLine(nameof(person.Name)); // Name
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String interpolation
[C# 6.0]
Console.WriteLine($"Hello, {name}! Today is {date.DayOfWeek}, it's {date:HH:mm} now.");
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Expression-bodied members
[C# 6.0]
class Person {
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
public string GetFullName() => FirstName + " " + LastName;
var person = new Person();
person.FirstName = "John";
person.LastName = "Doe";
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Dictionary initializer
[C# 6.0]
var dictionary = new Dictionary<string, int>
["one"] = 1,
["two"] = 2,
["three"] = 3
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Null propagator (null-conditional operator, succinct null checking)
[C# 6.0]
int? length = customers?.Length; // null if customers is null
Customer first = customers?[0]; // null if customers is null
int? count = customers?[0]?.Orders?.Count(); // null if customers, the first customer, or Orders is null
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Default values for getter only properties
[C# 6.0]
public class Dog
public string Name { get; set; }
// DogCreationTime is immutable
public DateTime DogCreationTime { get; } = DateTime.Now;
public Dog(string name)
Name = name;
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Pattern Matching
[C# 7.0] [Oficial docs]
Patterns test that a value has a certain shape, and can extract information from the value when it has the matching shape.
public static void SwitchPattern(object o)
switch (o)
case null:
Console.WriteLine("it's a constant pattern");
case int i:
Console.WriteLine("it's an int");
case Person p when p.FirstName.StartsWith("A"):
Console.WriteLine($"a A person {p.FirstName}");
case Person p:
Console.WriteLine($"any other person {p.FirstName}");
case var x:
Console.WriteLine($"it's a var pattern with the type {x?.GetType().Name} ");
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[C# 7.0] [Oficial docs]
Tuples are lightweight data structures that contain multiple fields to represent the data members.
// You can create a tuple by assigning a value to each member
(string Alpha, string Beta) namedLetters = ("a", "b");
Console.WriteLine($"{namedLetters.Alpha}, {namedLetters.Beta}");
// You can also specify the names of the fields on the right-hand side of the assignment
var alphabetStart = (Alpha: "a", Beta: "b");
Console.WriteLine($"{alphabetStart.Alpha}, {alphabetStart.Beta}");
// There may be times when you want to unpackage the members of a tuple that were returned from a method
(int max, int min) = Range(numbers);
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Local functions
[C# 7.0] [Oficial docs]
Local functions enable you to declare methods inside the context of another method.
public static void Main()
public static string Sum(int x, int y) {
return DisplayResult(x + y);
string DisplayResult(int result) {
return result.ToString();
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Record types
[C# 9.0] [Oficial docs]
You use the record keyword to define a reference type that provides built-in functionality for encapsulating data.
public record Person(string FirstName, string LastName);
public static void Main()
Person person = new("Nancy", "Davolio");
// output: Person { FirstName = Nancy, LastName = Davolio }
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Init Only Setters
[C# 9.0] [Oficial docs]
Init only setters provide consistent syntax to initialize members of an object.
public struct Person
public string Name { get; init; }
var nancy = new Person
Name = "nancy",
// An attempt to change a property after initialization results in a compiler error
// Error! CS8852.
nancy.Name = "Davolio";
Generic Collections
Contains interfaces and classes that define generic collections, which allow users to create strongly typed collections that provide better type safety and performance than non-generic strongly typed collections.
Represents a collection of keys and values.
// Dictionary<TKey,TValue> Class
// TKey - The type of the keys in the dictionary.
// TValue - The type of the values in the dictionary.
Dictionary<int, string> numbers = new Dictionary<int, string>();
numbers.Add(1, "One");
numbers.Add(2, "Two");
Console.WriteLine(numbers[2]); // Two
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A set is a collection that contains no duplicate elements, and whose elements are in no particular order.
List<int> duplicateNumbers = new List<int>() { 2, 2, 4, 6 };
var nonDuplicatedNumbers = new HashSet<int>(duplicateNumbers);
foreach (int number in nonDuplicatedNumbers)
Console.WriteLine(" {0}", number); // 2 4 6
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abstract // Indicates that the thing being modified has a missing or incomplete implementation
as // Performs certain types of conversions between compatible reference types or nullable type
base // Access members of the base class from within a derived class
bool // Used to declare variables to store the Boolean values, true and false
break // Terminates the closest enclosing loop or switch statement in which it appears
byte // Denotes an integral type
case // Chooses a single switch section to execute from a list of candidates based on a pattern match
catch // Specify handlers for different exceptions
char // Represent a Unicode character
checked // Used to explicitly enable overflow checking for integral-type arithmetic
// operations and conversions
class // Create your own custom types by grouping together variables of other types, methods and events
const // Declare a constant field or a constant local
continue // Passes control to the next iteration
decimal // Indicates a 128-bit data type
default // Can be used in the switch statement or in a default value expression
delegate // Type that can be used to encapsulate a named or an anonymous method
do // Executes a statement or a block of statements repeatedly until
// a specified expression evaluates to false
double // Simple type that stores 64-bit floating-point values
else // Identifies which statement to run based on the value of a Boolean expression
enum // Distinct type that consists of a set of named constants called the enumerator list
event // Used to declare an event in a publisher class
explicit // User-defined type conversion operator that must be invoked with a cast
extern // Modifier is used to declare a method that is implemented externally
false // Represents boolean false
finally // Can clean up any resources that are allocated in a try block
fixed // Prevents the garbage collector from relocating a movable variable
float // Signifies a simple type that stores 32-bit floating-point values
for // Run a statement or a block of statements repeatedly until
// a specified expression evaluates to false
foreach, in // Repeats a group of embedded statements for each element in an array or an object collection
goto // Transfers the program control directly to a labeled statement
if // Identifies which statement to run based on the value of a Boolean expression
implicit // Used to declare an implicit user-defined type conversion operator
in // (generic modifier) specifies that the type parameter is contravariant
int // Denotes an integral type
interface // Contains only the signatures of methods, properties, events or indexers
internal // Access modifier fortypes or members are accessible only within files in the same assembly
is // Checks if an object is compatible with a given type
lock // Marks a statement block as a critical section by obtaining the mutual-exclusion lock
// for a given object, executing a statement, and then releasing the lock
long // Denotes an integral type
namespace // Keyword is used to declare a scope that contains a set of related objects
new // Keyword can be used as an operator, a modifier, or a constraint
// Operator - create objects and invoke constructors
// Modifier - hide an inherited member from a base class member
// Constraint - restrict types that might be used as arguments for a type parameter
// in a generic declaration
null // Is a literal that represents a null reference, one that does not refer to any object
object // All types, predefined and user-defined, reference types and value types, inherit
// directly or indirectly from Object
operator // To overload a built-in operator or to provide a user-defined conversion in a class
// or struct declaration.
out // As a parameter modifier, which lets you pass an argument to a method by reference
// rather than by value.
// Generic type parameter declarations for interfaces and delegates, which specifies that a type
// parameter is covariant
out // (generic modifier) Enables you to use a more derived type than that specified
// by the generic parameter
override // Modifier is required to extend or modify the abstract or virtual implementation of
// an inherited method, property, indexer, or event
params // You can specify a method parameter that takes a variable number of arguments
private // Is a member access modifier the least permissive access level
protected // Is a member access modifier accessible within its class and by derived class instances
public // Is an access modifier for types and type members, the most permissive access level
readonly // Assignments can only occur as part of the declaration or in a constructor in the same class
ref // Indicates a value that is passed by reference
return // Terminates execution of the method in which it appears and returns control to the calling method
sbyte // An integral type, signed 8-bit integer
sealed // Prevents other classes from inheriting from it
short // An integral type, signed 16-bit integer
sizeof // Obtain the size in bytes for an unmanaged type
stackalloc // Is used in an unsafe code context to allocate a block of memory on the stack
static // Modifier to declare a static member, which belongs to the type itself rather than
// to a specific object
string // Represents a sequence of zero or more Unicode characters
struct // Is a value type that is typically used to encapsulate small groups of related variables
switch // Is a selection statement that chooses a single switch section to execute from a
// list of candidates based on a pattern match with the match expression
this // Refers to the current instance of the class and is also used as a modifier of
// the first parameter of an extension method
throw // Signals the occurrence of an exception during program execution
true // Represents the boolean value true
try // Is followed by one or more catch clauses, which specify handlers for different exceptions
typeof // Used to obtain the System.Type object for a type
uint // An integral type, unsigned 32-bit integer
ulong // Denotes an integral type, unsigned 64-bit integer
unchecked // Is used to suppress overflow-checking for integral-type arithmetic operations and conversions
unsafe // Denotes an unsafe context, which is required for any operation involving pointers
ushort // An integral type, unsigned 16-bit integer
using // As a directive, when it is used to create an alias for a namespace or to import types
// defined in other namespace. As a statement, when it defines a scope at the end of which
// an object will be disposed
using static // Designates a type whose static members you can access without specifying a type name
virtual // Is used to modify a method, property, indexer, or event declaration and allow for it to
// be overridden in a derived class
void // Specifies that the method doesn't return a value.
volatile // Indicates that a field might be modified by multiple threads that are executing at the same time
while // Executes a statement or a block of statements until a specified expression evaluates to false
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Contextual Keywords
add // Define a custom event accessor that is invoked when client code subscribes to your event
alias // Reference two versions of assemblies that have the same fully-qualified type names
ascending // Used in the orderby clause in query expressions to specify that the sort order is from smallest to largest
async // Specify that a method, lambda expression, or anonymous method is asynchronous
await // Applied to a task in an asynchronous method to insert a suspension point in the execution of the method until the
// awaited task completes
descending // Used in the orderby clause in query expressions to specify that the sort order is from largest to smallest
dynamic // Enables the operations in which it occurs to bypass compile-time type checking
from // A query expression must begin with a from clause
get // Defines an accessor method in a property or indexer that returns the property value or the indexer element
global // Refers to the global namespace
group // Sequence of IGrouping<TKey,TElement> objects that contain zero or more items that match the key value for the group
into // Used to create a temporary identifier to store the results of a group, join or select clause into a new identifier
join // Useful for associating elements from different source sequences that have no direct relationship in the object model
let // Useful to store the result of a sub-expression in order to use it in subsequent clauses
nameof // Used to obtain the simple (unqualified) string name of a variable, type, or member
orderby // Causes the returned sequence or subsequence (group) to be sorted in either ascending or descending order
partial // (type) Allow for the definition of a class, struct, or interface to be split into multiple files
partial // (method) A partial method has its signature defined in one part of a partial type, and its implementation defined in
// another part of the type
remove // Used to define a custom event accessor that is invoked when client code unsubscribes from your event
select // Specifies the type of values that will be produced when the query is executed
set // Accessor method in a property or indexer that assigns a value to the property or the indexer element
value // Used in the set accessor in ordinary property declarations.
var // Variables that are declared at method scope can have an implicit "type" var
when // Used as catch statement of a try/catch or try/catch/finally block or label of a switch statement
where // (generic type constraint) Specify constraints on the types that can be used as arguments for a type parameter defined
// in a generic declaration
where // Specify which elements from the data source will be returned in the query expression
yield // You indicate that the method, operator, or get accessor in which it appears is an iterator
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