Andreas Varga
Andreas Varga
This is possibly a silly question, but is related to the previous issue [#308]( . Admitedly we have an empty polynomial matrix, created for example with the command: ``` julia>...
I would appreciate very much if you could reveal how you enforce the polynomial type of elements in a polynomial matrix construct, as for example in the following vertical concatenation...
Recently the SLICOT library has been updated to v5.8 and the corresponding SLICOT_jll has been generated by courtesy of Ralph Smith. I uploaded the package and it works fine locally...
Is any way to define linear maps depending on some parameters? For example, I would like to define a time-dependent map `A(t)` or even a map `A(t,p)` depending on time...
I was not able to run Latex using TexStudio on the following text file without obtaining plenty of error messages involving xcolor. All messages resemble the following one: `Package xcolor...
The following behaviour I detected performing the function `issymmetric` on a symmetric matrix (thus preventing a correct test). ``` julia> C = Matrix(Hermitian(Complex{Double64}[1 0;0 1])) 2×2 Matrix{Complex{Double64}}: 1.0 + 0.0im...
The following results are occasionally obtained for randomly generated vectors: ``` julia> using DoubleFloats julia> n = 10; julia> Ty = Double64; c = rand(Ty,n)+im*rand(Ty,n); d = rand(Ty,n)+im*rand(Ty,n); c'*d-conj(d'*c) 0.0...
The following illustrates the issue: ``` julia> f = Fun(Fourier(), [1,2,3,4]) Fun(Fourier(【0.0,6.283185307179586❫), [1, 2, 3, 4]) julia> g = Fun(Fourier(), [1,0,0,4]) Fun(Fourier(【0.0,6.283185307179586❫), [1, 0, 0, 4]) julia> Af = [f...
The following simple tests behave differently in a second execution. ``` using BenchmarkTools using LinearAlgebra a = rand(300,300); u = triu(rand(300,300)); @btime u*a; # multiplication without exploiting upper triangular shape...
Small errors in ``` lsqr(A, b; kwrags...) -> x, [history] lsmr(A, b; kwrags...) -> x, [history] ``` Correct to ``` lsqr(A, b; kwargs...) -> x, [history] lsmr(A, b; kwargs...) ->...