Andreas Mülder
Andreas Mülder
How about making the year parameter optional, if no year is defined, you can render the last twelve month (like it is shown on github) ``` years: [{ range: {...
Argument of type 'Example$0' is not assignable to parameter of type '() => void'. Type 'Example$0' provides no match for the signature '(): void'.ts(2345) ``` inEventQueue.add(new Runnable() { @Override public...
The YAKINDU Solidity language server ( provides some features that are not yet implemented/can be improved in the vs code extension. Most noteworthy: - grammar based code completion - code...
The SCTUnit Test Models should be generated as NUnit Tests for C#
The time trigger expression is evaluated statically when the time trigger is started. For example, if the following statement is used as a state local reaction: _every (myVar > 10...
Requested via our user group:!topic/yakindu-user/Nng9Y8gWORo I would really like to be able to define an internal operation like this: internal: var x:integer var y:integer var z:integer operation op(i1:integer, i2:integer):void...
It should be possible to write var x : string var y : integer var z : string = x + y Like in Java
Related to Since xtext 2.16 there is a proper testing API for Quickfixes. We should use that:
The Language Server does not use the Quickfixes provided in com.yakindu.solidity.ui.quickfix.SolidityQuickfixProvider The quickfixes for the language server have to be implemented in com.yakindu.solidity.ide.internal.SolidityIdeCodeActionService Since we avoid to implement every quickfix...