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Use Clockworkmod-recovery
Please use clockworkmod-recovery instead of standard ASOP recovery.
@shianyow @codeworkx What do you reckon ?
For SGS2 we already use cwm based recovery. On other devices, recovery is separate from boot so the recovery images available at clockworkmod.com should work.
For otapackages (update.zip) we need the update-binary compiled from clockworkmod-recovery sources, because it has more functionallity to support the galaxys2 fully. the aosp one only supports nexus/mtd devices.
Not sure if this should be a separated bug or not, but the current flash-only option on the Makefile does a "fastboot flashall" (Nexus S) at the end and that wipes out the recovery partition that the device is using. So, someone that is already using clockworkmod-recovery on his phone will have to install it again after flashing B2G according to the wiki instructions.
Should I open a new bug/feature request asking for a "make flash-only-donttouchmyrecovery" option?
@fczuardi Thank God I never used 'flashall' . AFAIK it might be good idea to file a bug about that.