weightless icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
weightless copied to clipboard

High-quality web components with a small footprint

Results 54 weightless issues
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If the name attribute of the wl-radio has a `.` character, such as `name="my.name"` (or and character that breaks CSS query) then the radio throws an error: DOMException: Failed to...

After cloning and running `npm install`, I run `npm run start`. The seems to build, but then stops with the message: ``` rollup v1.23.0 bundles /Users/thad/polymer/weightless/src/demo/main.ts → dist... [!] (plugin...

https://github.com/andreasbm/weightless/blob/91dfd483e9a9bc3b89c9f6e63918eff703a6a415/src/lib/behavior/input/input-behavior.ts#L71 The input behavior class extends the form element behaviors, but, only recognizes "on" or "off" as valid values when in fact, there are many more defined autocompete types/values (see...

It looks like something that wl-textfield uses isn't supported, but can't figure out what. The weightless buttons and popup menus all work, along with all the other lit-element features, so...

Having a difficult time getting the snackbar from a template to work. Tried the code from the demo and a very simple template and it always rendered the same. Seems...

`wl-tab` sets [the `aria-checked` attribute](https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-1.1/#aria-checked) when the tab is selected, but has [the `tab` role](https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-1.1/#tab), which does not support the attribute. Instead, [the `aria-selected` attribute](https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-1.1/#aria-selected) should be used.

Hello, It seems that some elements like `wl-dialog` do not have their public methods like `show()` documented (the only example I found was via demo). Is there something I can...

Consider this scenario: - I use my own set of inline SVG for icons so I can share and bundle them within my app - I use your `wl-expander` Now...

queue-snackbar missing when installing weightless from npm.

I think it would be great with some sample pages as it would be quicker to spin up a new page that looks great. I think it will be easier...
