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High-quality web components with a small footprint

Results 54 weightless issues
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Bumps [terser](https://github.com/terser/terser) from 4.3.9 to 4.8.1. Changelog Sourced from terser's changelog. v4.8.1 (backport) Security fix for RegExps that should not be evaluated (regexp DDOS) v4.8.0 Support for numeric separators (million...


Bumps [async](https://github.com/caolan/async) from 2.6.3 to 2.6.4. Changelog Sourced from async's changelog. v2.6.4 Fix potential prototype pollution exploit (#1828) Commits c6bdaca Version 2.6.4 8870da9 Update built files 4df6754 update changelog 8f7f903...


Bumps [follow-redirects](https://github.com/follow-redirects/follow-redirects) from 1.9.0 to 1.14.8. Commits 3d81dc3 Release version 1.14.8 of the npm package. 62e546a Drop confidential headers across schemes. 2ede36d Release version 1.14.7 of the npm package. 8b347cb...


Bumps [ajv](https://github.com/ajv-validator/ajv) from 6.10.2 to 6.12.6. Release notes Sourced from ajv's releases. v6.12.6 Fix performance issue of "url" format. v6.12.5 Fix uri scheme validation (@​ChALkeR). Fix boolean schemas with strictKeywords...


Bumps [pathval](https://github.com/chaijs/pathval) from 1.1.0 to 1.1.1. Release notes Sourced from pathval's releases. v1.1.1 Fixes a security issue around prototype pollution. Commits db6c3e3 chore: v1.1.1 7859e0e Merge pull request #60 from...


I tried using this library with Sveltekit (SSR enabled), but got the following error: ``` 21:54:40 [vite] Error when evaluating SSR module /node_modules/weightless/button/button.js: ReferenceError: window is not defined at ../src/lib/template-result.ts:32:21...

Bumps [object-path](https://github.com/mariocasciaro/object-path) from 0.11.4 to 0.11.8. Commits See full diff in compare view [![Dependabot compatibility score](https://dependabot-badges.githubapp.com/badges/compatibility_score?dependency-name=object-path&package-manager=npm_and_yarn&previous-version=0.11.4&new-version=0.11.8)](https://docs.github.com/en/github/managing-security-vulnerabilities/about-dependabot-security-updates#about-compatibility-scores) Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter...


Bumps [path-parse](https://github.com/jbgutierrez/path-parse) from 1.0.6 to 1.0.7. Commits See full diff in compare view [![Dependabot compatibility score](https://dependabot-badges.githubapp.com/badges/compatibility_score?dependency-name=path-parse&package-manager=npm_and_yarn&previous-version=1.0.6&new-version=1.0.7)](https://docs.github.com/en/github/managing-security-vulnerabilities/about-dependabot-security-updates#about-compatibility-scores) Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter...


Bumps [rollup-plugin-serve](https://github.com/thgh/rollup-plugin-serve) from 1.0.1 to 1.1.0. Release notes Sourced from rollup-plugin-serve's releases. v1.1.0 No release notes provided. v1.0.2 Fixed path traversal issue Changelog Sourced from rollup-plugin-serve's changelog. [1.1.0] - 2020-11-01...


Bumps [hosted-git-info](https://github.com/npm/hosted-git-info) from 2.8.5 to 2.8.9. Changelog Sourced from hosted-git-info's changelog. 2.8.9 (2021-04-07) Bug Fixes backport regex fix from #76 (29adfe5), closes #84 2.8.8 (2020-02-29) Bug Fixes #61 & #65...
