gazebo2rviz copied to clipboard
ignore_submodels_of is currently not supported and will thus have no effect
inzgood@linzgood-ThinkPad-X390:~/gazebo2rviz$ source devel/setup.bash linzgood@linzgood-ThinkPad-X390:~/gazebo2rviz$ roslaunch gazebo2rviz gazebo2rviz.launch ... logging to /home/linzgood/.ros/log/bf90cae8-598d-11eb-af56-04ed33918912/roslaunch-linzgood-ThinkPad-X390-3344.log Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile. Press Ctrl-C to interrupt Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.
started roslaunch server http://linzgood-ThinkPad-X390:34957/
- /gazebo2marker/ignore_submodels_of:
- /gazebo2tf/ignore_submodels_of:
- /rosdistro: kinetic
- /rosversion: 1.12.17
NODES / gazebo2marker (gazebo2rviz/ gazebo2tf (gazebo2rviz/ static_tf_pub_world_to_gazebo_world (tf2_ros/static_transform_publisher)
process[static_tf_pub_world_to_gazebo_world-1]: started with pid [3362] process[gazebo2tf-2]: started with pid [3363] process[gazebo2marker-3]: started with pid [3364] the rosdep view is empty: call 'sudo rosdep init' and 'rosdep update' the rosdep view is empty: call 'sudo rosdep init' and 'rosdep update' [INFO] [1610975158.244366]: Ignoring submodels of: [''] [INFO] [1610975158.246004]: Ignoring submodels of: [''] [ERROR] [1610975158.246707]: ignore_submodels_of is currently not supported and will thus have no effect [INFO] [1610975158.259250]: Spinning [INFO] [1610975158.261397]: Spinning
I run gazebo2rviz in ubuntu 16.04 and also ubuntu 18.04, with ROS.
Hi @linzgood, it seems the Fixed Frame is set incorrectly, see warning in your last screenshot.
You can ignore "ignore_submodels_of is currently not supported and will thus have no effect". This message just says that the command line option is not actually supported.
@linzgood - take a look at my fork - it provides a (possibly incomplete) solution to this issue.