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A simple caching system based on Plug and ETS.


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A simple http response caching system based on Plug and ETS. It easily integrates in every application that uses Plug, including a Phoenix dedicated adapter.

The main use case is when the contents of your web pages don't change in real time and are served to a multitude of visitors. Even if your server response times are in order of few tens of milliseconds, caching pages into ETS (hence into RAM) would shrink times to microseconds.

Cache duration can be configured with a combination of a ttl value and ttl_check. Check con_cache documentation for more details on this, PlugEtsCache uses it to read/write to ETS.


The package is available in Hex, follow these steps to install:

  1. Add plug_ets_cache to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:
def deps do
  # Get from hex
  [{:plug_ets_cache, "~> 0.3.0"}]
  # Or use the latest from master
  [{:plug_ets_cache, github: "andreapavoni/plug_ets_cache"}]
  1. Ensure plug_ets_cache is started before your application:
def application do
  [applications: [:plug_ets_cache]]


These are the common steps to setup PlugEtsCache:

  1. Set configuration in config/config.exs (the following values are defaults):
config :plug_ets_cache,
  db_name: :ets_cache,
  ttl_check: 60,
  ttl: 300
  1. Add PlugEtsCache.Plug to your router/plug:
plug PlugEtsCache.Plug

Now follow specific instructions below for your use case.

With Phoenix

Because Phoenix has a more complex lifecycle when it comes to send a response, it has a special module for this.

  1. Add use PlugEtsCache.Phoenix
  2. Call cache_response after you've sent a response:
defmodule MyApp.SomeController do
  use MyApp.Web, :controller
  use PlugEtsCache.Phoenix

  # ...

  def index(conn, _params) do
    # ...
    |> render("index.html")
    |> cache_response

  # ...

With plain Plug

Supposing a very simple Plug module:

  1. Import PlugEtsCache.Response.cache_response/1 inside your module
  2. Call cache_response after you've sent a response:
defmodule FooController do
  use Plug.Router
  import PlugEtsCache.Response, only: [cache_response: 1]

  plug :match
  plug :dispatch

  get "/" do
    |> put_resp_content_type("text/plain")
    |> send_resp(200, "Hello cache")
    |> cache_response

Setting TTL

cache_response/1 will adhere to the ttl value in the config, but you can instead use cache_response/2 to specify a custom ttl for each response. Examples:

cache_response(conn, :timer.hours(1))
cache_response(conn, ttl: :timer.minutes(45))

Using a custom cache key

If you need greater control over the key used to cache the request you can use a custom function to build the cache key. The function needs to accept one argument, the Plug.Conn struct, and return the key.

cache_response(conn, [cache_key: fn conn -> conn.request_path end, ttl: :timer.minutes(10)])


The docs can be found at


  • add more detailed docs


Everyone is welcome to contribute to PlugEtsCache and help tackling existing issues!

Use the issue tracker for bug reports or feature requests.

Please, do your best to follow the Elixir's Code of Conduct.


This source code is released under MIT License. Check LICENSE file for more information.