SpatialDBKit copied to clipboard
Issue with Spatial Index requests
SQL requets with use of Spatial indexes fails and turn the database connection down from FMDatabase.
Error returned by database: "no such module: rtree"
Solved by adding another flag in "Other C Flags" in "Build Settings" of Pods-sqlite3 : -DSQLITE_ENABLE_RTREE=1
Thanks, this should be added to the cocoapods podspec as a specific submodule.
I ran into the same problem, but fixed it like this:
post_install do |installer_representation|
installer_representation.project.targets.each do |target|
target.build_configurations.each do |config|
if == 'Pods-sqlite3'
config.build_settings['GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS'] ||= ['$(inherited)']
Any way this can be included in the PodSpec?
Well, this sounds a little bit hacky to me.. I'm not sure this is the best way to accomplish that. I suppose that the correct way should be to let sqlite3 pod support RTree option as a submodule (i.e. "sqlite3/rtree"), which in turn would set the correct preprocessor definitions in sqlite3's pod project.
In the meanwhile your solution should work as a patch directly in each user project's Podfile.
there is already a subspec?
"name": "rtree",
"dependencies": {
"sqlite3/common": [
"xcconfig": {
( Sorry, I'm kinda new to CocoaPods, I thought this might help)
Hey you're right! rtree has already been added as a dependency in sqlite3's pod spec. Ok I am going to update SpatialDBKit's pod spec (time to learn the new cocoa pods trunk syntax..)
You rock!
I hope the new trunk system for CocoaPods is unlocked soon :)
Ok now I remember: I already tried to fix this some month ago but something is broken with cocoa pods and I couldn't validate the pod spec anymore. The issue is with the spatialite .podspec, I opened an issue to keep track of this: