RSSheet icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
RSSheet copied to clipboard

iOS classes for write xls sheet


RSSheet it's a simple class for iOS to write .xls file.


with RSStyle you can create the basic style of sheet, row and cell.


  • AlignmentV it's a typedef for vertical align (RSStyleTopALign, RSStyleCenterALign, RSStyleBottomALign)
  • AlignmentH it's a typedef for horizontal align (RSStyleLeftALign, RSStyleMiddleALign, RSStyleRightALign)
  • font the font of this style
  • color color of font
  • size size of font


RSworkSheetRow determinate a row in a sheet. You can set the height of the row and the style.


  • height height of row
  • style the style of row (an instance of RSStyle)


  • - (id)initWithHeight:(NSInteger )height create new row and set height.
  • - (id)initWithHeight:(NSInteger )height andStyle:(RSStyle *)style create new row with height and style of all cell in the row.
  • - (void)addCellString:(NSString *)content add new string cell.
  • - (void)addCellString:(NSString *)content withStyle:(RSStyle *)style add new string cell with particular style.
  • - (void)addCellNumber:(float )content add new Number cell.
  • - (void)addCellNumber:(float )content withStyle:(RSStyle *)style add new Number cell with particular style.
  • - (void)addCellData:(NSDate *)content add new cell with Date (accept NSDate)
  • - (void)addCellData:(NSDate *)content withStyle:(RSStyle *)style add new Date cell with particular style (accept NSDate)


RSworkSheet provide a new sheet for the folder. The folder (RSworkBook) may contain more RSworkSheet. Every RSworkSheet may contain one or more RSworkSheetRow. You can set the name of the sheet, the default column width and the default row height.


  • columnWidth default width of the column
  • rowHeight default height of row
  • name name of the sheet


  • - (id)initWithName:(NSString*)nameSheet init workSheet with new name.
  • - (void)addWorkSheetRow:(RSworkSheetRow*)row add to workSheet new row.


RSworkBook it's the folder that contains all the RSworkSheet. It's a simple container that write to file the document


  • author the author of the document
  • version version of the document
  • date date that write document
  • defaultStyle default style to all cell (it's applied if the style of cell and row did not specified)


  • - (void)addWorkSheet:(RSworkSheet *)sheet add workSheet to folder.
  • - (BOOL)writeWithName:(NSString*)name toPath:(NSString*)path write the document with specified name and ti specified path.


RSworkBook * folder = [ [RSworkBook alloc] init]; = @"andrea cappellotto";
folder.version = 1.2;

RSworkSheet * sheet = [[RSworkSheet alloc] initWithName:@"prova"];

RSworkSheetRow * row = [[RSworkSheetRow alloc] initWithHeight:20];
[row addCellString:@"prova"];
[row addCellString:@"prova2"];
[sheet addWorkSheetRow:row];

RSworkSheetRow * row2 = [[RSworkSheetRow alloc] initWithHeight:25];
[row2 addCellNumber:100];
[row2 addCellData:[NSDate date] ];
[sheet addWorkSheetRow:row2];

[folder addWorkSheet:sheet];

NSArray *documentPaths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES);
NSString *documentsDir = [documentPaths objectAtIndex:0];
[folder writeWithName:@"prova" toPath:documentsDir];

this code create test.xls compatible with MSOffice (Mac, Win). Test.xls have two row with two cell. First row have two String and second row have a Number (float) and a date (NSDate)