Andrea Bonvini
Andrea Bonvini
You aren't linking to `torch_tensorrt`. Supposing that you correctly compiled and installed torch_tensorrt (as explained [above]( you should have something like this: ``` target_link_libraries(example-app PRIVATE torch torchtrt) ```
You have to build and install the library through CMake, you can do that only from [this]( branch.
It still seems that your are not linking against `torch_tensorrt`. You should provide more information about your environment and, above all, your CMakeLists.txt file.
@noman-anjum-retro, as already [said](, you are not linking againt `torch_tensorrt`. You are linking against `torchtrt_runtime` instead, that is a light-weight library that is needed if you just want to load...
Update: To correctly load `torchtrt_runtime.dll` on Windows in a VS project it is necessary to copy the following dlls to your executable's directory (other than `torchtrt_runtime.dll`, of course) ``` nvinfer_plugin.dll...