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SegNet-like Autoencoders in TensorFlow

Results 7 issues
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I get the error `RandomShuffleQueue '_3_shuffle_batch/random_shuffle_queue' is closed and has insufficient elements (requested 12, current size 0)` in train().inputs() call. If I move the init variables statement to before...

when I try to train the model I obtain this error could somebody help me? Saving results to input Launching 1 threads for spacings: [[0, 71]] 2018-02-13 15:15:23.414452: I tensorflow/core/platform/]...

could you please help me regarding final outputs of segnet. how can we print or see the logs of test images

Hi, I notice in previous commits you have functionality to initialise the encoder weights from a pre-trained VGG16, but this does not appear to be in the latest version. Why...

Thanks a lot for sharing your great work. Could you please, add some parts to describe the final outputs (i.e. the predicted labels) of the test and training images? Best

Can you please share your dataset so I can understand how the dataset has to be?

Hello, from the code I have read in your project, it the unpool operation is just an image resize. So basically, this network is not really a segnet network (at...