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Add tool for find people read same books
Please add a tool to find people that read or want-to-read similar books that I've read or want to read. Not based on the books' author, but the books themself.
Hi Morteza,
the earlier versions of worked the way you wanted them to. At the beginning I took the same approach because the book-by-book comparison is intuitively obvious.
I also describe this in the section "Observations and limitations":
First version compared books, not authors:
- turned out to be too narrow in order to produce satisfying results
- given 299 books and a minimum of 9 common books (3% similarity), I've got 10 of 31.398 members, with 5 members actually worth investigating, and only 1 member already on my hand-curated list of 137 followees
- a minimum of 6 common books (2%) listed 43 members, more or less interesting
- we learn: book combinations tend to become unique quickly
- combinations of same books are more rare than combinations of same authors, while latter still satisfies the 'same taste' condition (the assumption with 'same books' is that likeminded people had the same exposure to the exact same books, but that's questionable - and comparing the authors relaxes this assumption)
- the new authors-version takes longer but yields better results, e.g., more matches with my hand-curated followees list - try program argument
to reduce runtime (checks max. 50 books per author)
Maybe I'll make an option where you can switch between author-wise comparison and book-wise comparison. In the near future this is unlikely because I am not very convinced of it and there are other things open in this project and the real job is hogging me :)
Thanks, @andre-st . You're so good, man. You described it fine. I hope you add this option as soon as possible :smiley: I know some languages (Java, Python, Golang, SQL, Bash, etc). But I don't know Perl. Otherwise, I could help you.
If you add this option, I can help you in your projects that are written in my experience languages :kissing: