react-native-sqlite-storage copied to clipboard
[ios] app doesn't find pre-populated database
Based on the output here, can someone advise me what I am doing wrong?
I followed the steps in the doc to use a pre-populated database for ios. I have no idea why the app is creating and using an identically-named database file.
Assuming all other setup is correct, the file path is <root>/www/appData.sqlite
I have my config
const dbConfig = {
name: 'appData.sqlite',
createFromLocation: 1, //ios only
I have 2 callbacks
onSuccess = () => {
console.log('========= DB opened successfully ========');
onError = () => {
console.log('========= Error opening db ========');
I have two rows of data
I have a function to fetch the data
async getPartners() {
const partners = await this.database.executeSql(queries.fetchPartners);
return partners[0].rows.raw();
using the following query
SELECT * FROM partners;
And I have the actual call
this.database = await SQLite.openDatabase(dbConfig, this.onSuccess(), this.onError());
Expected Behavior
Given this setup, I would expect that
- either the onsuccess or onerror message would display
- two pre-existing rows would output.
Current Behavior
What actually happens Both the success and error messages display
Promise based runtime ready
========= DB opened successfully ========
========= Error opening db ========
Some unknown appData.sqlite file is opened
OPEN database: appData.sqlite{"name":"appData.sqlite","createFromLocation":1,"dblocation":"nosync","assetFilename":"1"})
new transaction is waiting for open operation
Built path to pre-populated DB asset from app bundle www subdirectory: /Users/michaelstelly/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/23EA4039-E854-4FF6-B296-03E1BA488F1A/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/368707F9-DD7F-40EB-A6A0-6326D2BF12DF/
target database location: nosync
Opening db in mode READ_WRITE, full path: /Users/michaelstelly/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/23EA4039-E854-4FF6-B296-03E1BA488F1A/data/Containers/Data/Application/3178FFD8-7A73-4030-AA63-B07CDEB4E633/Library/LocalDatabase/appData.sqlite
Database opened
Good news: SQLite is thread safe!
DB opened: appData.sqlite
And when I output the partners table to a console table, I get 2 rows added from inside that app.
│ (index) │ id │ name │
│ 0 │ null │ 'PED' │
│ 1 │ null │ 'PED' │
Your Environment
- React Native SQLite Storage Version used:
"react-native-sqlite-storage": "^5.0.0",
- React Native version used:
"react": "16.11.0",
"react-native": "0.62.2",
- Operating System and version (simulator or device):
ios 13.4.1
- IDE used:
Visual Studio Code
this.database = await SQLite.openDatabase(dbConfig, this.onSuccess(), this.onError());
should it not be just a function pointer ?
this.database = await SQLite.openDatabase(dbConfig, this.onSuccess, this.onError);
you are invoking are supposed to pass them in...
the module will only create a database from your provided database once. It creates a copy in well defined location - see documentation. The location is quite frankly printed in your output: /Users/michaelstelly/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/23EA4039-E854-4FF6-B296-03E1BA488F1A/data/Containers/Data/Application/3178FFD8-7A73-4030-AA63-B07CDEB4E633/Library/LocalDatabase/appData.sqlite
Once that database is created, module will no longer use your input database as template until you delete that database.
should it not be just a function pointer?
You are correct. I obviously needed sleep. After looking at the same code for 8 hours, I got lost in the weeds.
Once that database is created, module will no longer use your input database as template until you delete that database.
Ok. I get that once created there's no need to recreate. However, I'm missing is the API doc. Am I simply not finding it? The README says how to create and open the database, but I need to know how to check for exists(), isOpen() or !isClosed()
, etc. Where are the methods, properties, and functions documented? That would go a long way in helping me resolve my own issues.
Why not did you save the result of the query into a state variable?
Incase this can help someone avoid stressful days
For me, there was a little bit of subtlety getting this to work on iOS as I kept experiencing the infamous "no such table found" error. I assumed that all I had to do was create a www directory under my project through the file system and it would all work. I created the directory and placed my sqlite db there and verified it in the project viewer in Xcode. However, it did not copy my database into /Users..../Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/
I only discovered the source of this issue when I used Xcode to step through the source code of react-native-sqlite-storage/platforms/ios/SQLite.m around line #159 which starts with
RCT_EXPORT_METHOD(open: (NSDictionary *) options success:(RCTResponseSenderBlock)success error:(RCTResponseSenderBlock)error)
"Step 3 - Add file to project in XCode, right click on the main folder and select Add Files to 'your project name"
in is very important. Use Xcode to add the folder.
Good luck. Osupa.