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Pytorch implementation of PPO2


Pytorch implementation of PPO2

Model Description

In reinforcement learning, policy optimization refer to the set of models that directly optimise the policy's parameters. In this implementation we use the same latent state representation to compute the actions (trough a policy_head) and to estimate the value function (value_head).

To compute the action given an observation of the environment, we need to specify the action distributions. The default distribution is a Categorical suited for discrete action spaces. Note that only torch.distributions.distribution.Distribution are accepted. Moreover, the model use two fully connected layer with torch.Tanh activation function and dropout to compute the latent state given an observation of the environment.

In order to collect experience, it is possible to access the policy using the following function:

def eval_fn(obs):
    evaluation function. Choose an action based on the current policy
    :param obs: environment observation
    with torch.set_grad_enabled(False):
        obs = torch.tensor(obs).float().to(device)
        value_f, action, neg_log_prob, entropy = model(obs)
        return value_f, action, neg_log_prob

Note that the input is an numpy array, while the outputs are three torch tensors (with no grad function):

  1. estimated value function
  2. action chosen by the policy
  3. negative log-likelihood of the policy.

Training the model requires additional information:

  1. estimate advantages function for each step taken
  2. estimate the value function and the negative log-likelihood with the new policy parametrisation (the choose action does not change)
  3. compute the surrogate loss. Note that args contains all the hyper-parameters used by the model:
    • args.clip_range = 0.2 (Clip value for the policy)
    • args.ent_coef = 0. (Entropy discount factor: we don't optimize the entropy of the policy)
    • args.vf_coef = 0.5 (Value function discount factor)
    • args.max_grad_norm = 0.5 (Maximum norm of the gradients)
def train_fn(obs, returns, old_actions, old_values, old_neg_log_prbs):

    with torch.set_grad_enabled(False):
        advantages = returns - old_values
        # Normalize the advantages
        advantages = (advantages - advantages.mean()) / (advantages.std() + 1e-8)

    with torch.set_grad_enabled(True):

        value_f, actions, neg_log_probs, entropy = model(obs, action=old_actions)

        assert(actions.sum().item() == old_actions.sum().item())

        loss, pg_loss, value_loss, entropy_mean, approx_kl = model.loss(returns, value_f, neg_log_probs, entropy, advantages,
                                                                           old_values, old_neg_log_prbs,
                                                                           args.clip_range, args.ent_coef, args.vf_coef)

        torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(model.parameters(), args.max_grad_norm)

As output, we got:

  1. the total loss optimised
  2. the policy loss
  3. the value loss
  4. the mean entropy of our policy
  5. approximated KL-divergence between the old and new policy