Pietro Gagliardi

Results 328 comments of Pietro Gagliardi

Borderless mode will hide titlebars. Focus in/out isn't implemented yet, nor am I sure how to go about designing the API, what constitutes focus, or on what controls...

Focus input merged with andlabs/libui#325.

Can you try reproducing this with a non-libui application?

You do not have liboci installed. That is a problem with github.com/mattn/go-oci8. not with package ui. Contact them.

Okay. In that case, what does `go build -x` say?

Huh, that's odd; `go build -x` should be saying more than just that... I'll look into why it isn't so we can figure out what's going wrong; stay tuned.

Oops; sorry about forgetting this. What does `go build -x` print for a project where it does work?

Friendly poke

Package ui uses cgo, so it takes a bit longer to build than other Go packages. How much slower is it?