Pietro Gagliardi

Results 328 comments of Pietro Gagliardi

That would require libui changes, but it's not out of the question.

That depends. I want to make it so that simple controls are minimally affected, and in all likelihood it's only really going to be boilerplate that will change.

That will be added when I add dialog boxes and the like. Right now the whole modal system is a mess with just the four standard dialogs I provide (which...

Do you mean a scrollable drawing area or a scrollable container?

Yes, this is definitely on the shortlist of things to add. However, the stuff I want to do this year for Alpha 5 will make adding this a lot easier...

I don't reject contributions outright, I've just been doing a really bad job of project management :D But yes, you are right about all that; though I should also point...

It uses the native OS toolkits underneath, so it should theoretically support RTL configurations. However, I haven't actually tested this yet, and furthermore I'm not sure what modifications I need...

Correct; at present the behavior of newlines in labels is undefined. I plan on fixing that.

Yes, but there are two possible explanations for what you're seeing, depending on the code, which I'll check later.

That's not quite what I meant. What you're looking at has to do with an actual difference in both Windows and GTK+, but I need to actually look at how...