cordova-plugin-logtofile copied to clipboard
Cordova plugin for custom logging to a logfile in the filesystem.
Cordova plugin for writing logs to the filesystem.
Logger uses logback-android internally.
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-logtofile
// setup a logfile path (required)
// this path is relative to your device sdcard storage directory
window.logToFile.setLogfilePath('/myapp/log.txt', function () {
// logger configured successfully
}, function (err) {
// logfile could not be written
// handle error
// get the logfilePath from the currently running logger instance
window.logToFile.getLogfilePath(function (logfilePath) {
// dosomething with the logfilepath
}, function (err) {
// handle error
// get the all archived logfile paths as array
window.logToFile.getArchivedLogfilePaths(function (archivedlogfiles) {
// dosomething with the archived logs
}, function (err) {
// handle error
// write logmessages in different loglevels
window.logToFile.debug('Sample debug message');'Sample info message');
window.logToFile.warn('Sample warn message');
window.logToFile.error('Sample error message');
If the logfile exceeds a filesize above 5MB the current logfile will be archived and zipped into the current logfiledirectory. The last 3 archived logfiles will be retained, older logs get deleted.
The archived logfiles are reachable under the following filepattern: {logfiledirectory}/{logfilename}.{index}.zip
Currently supported Platforms
- Android
- add more config options