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Parallelizing PALM

Open clin045 opened this issue 5 years ago • 3 comments

Is there any way to run permutations in parallel? FSL randomise has the randomise_parallel script that runs multiple copies of randomise in parallel and then combines the resulting maps into one single file. Is a similar procedure possible with PALM?

clin045 avatar Sep 24 '19 12:09 clin045

Permutations lend themselves to running in parallel. One option is to use CPUs in parallel (e.g. parfor), the other option is to use the GPU (gpuArray). The latter can be a big win, but be aware that writing and reading memory to the GPU is slow and that some consumer GPUs have very slow double-precision maths (fp64) relative to single precision (fp32), so you if single precisions acceptable you would get better performance by explicitly using singles, e.g. G = gpuArray(single(X));. Below is code from tests I did with Ben Torkian to explore this. With datasets typical to my team, the GPU far outperformed the CPU. On the other hand, it does require a CUDA capable (Nvidia) GPU and the correct Matlab toolbox.

function GPU_perm_test
%this code demonstrates permutation thresholding when computing millions of correlations
for ii=1:2;
    if (ii==1)
        vv = 70801;
        vv = 239855;
for i=1:20;
    %next - constants for simulations
    kNumRandPerm = 5000; %number of permutations ~5000
    kPcrit = 0.05; %statistical probabiity threshold
    kNumPatients = i *50 ; %in reality this will be >200
    kVoxels = vv; %[53 63 46] for 3mm isotropic and tight bounding box, [182 218 182] = resolution of brain image resliced to 1mm isotropic 70801  238955    1911640
    %next - generate random data
    fprintf('Patients %d  \n',kNumPatients);
    fprintf('Voxels %d  \n',vv );
    les = rand(kNumPatients,kVoxels);
    beh = rand(kNumPatients,1);
    %next - compute and report results
    [z, threshMin, threshMax] = glm_permSub(les,beh(:,1), kNumRandPerm, kPcrit);
    fprintf('Observed peak %.3f, observed nadir %.3f, Thresholds <%.3f and >%.3f\n',max(z(:)),min(z(:)), threshMin,threshMax);
%end perm_test()

function [uncZ, threshMin, threshMax] = glm_permSub(Y, X, nPerms, kPcrit)
%returns uncorrected z-score for all voxels in Y given single column predictor X
% Y: volume data 
% X: single column predictor
%if either X or Y is binomial, results are pooled variance t-test, else correlation coefficient
% nPerms: Number of permutations to compute
% kPcrit: Critical threshold
% glm_t([1 1 0 0 0 1; 0 0 1 1 1 0]',[1 2 3 4 5 6]') %pooled variance t-test
%inspired by Ged Ridgway's glm_perm_flz
if ~exist('nPerms','var')
    nPerms = 0;
if ~exist('kPcrit','var')
    kPcrit = 0.05;
% Basics and reusable components
[n f] = size(X); %rows=observations, columns=factors
[nY v] = size(Y); %#ok<NASGU> v is number of tests/voxels
if (f ~= 1), error('glm_permSub is for one column of X at a time (transpose?)'); end; 
if nY ~= n, error('glm_permSub X and Y data sizes are inconsistent'); end
X = [X ones(size(X,1),1)];
c = [1 0]'; %contrast
df = n - rank(X);
pXX = pinv(X)*pinv(X)'; % = pinv(X'*X), which is reusable, because
pX  = pXX * X';         % pinv(P*X) = pinv(X'*P'*P*X)*X'*P' = pXX * (P*X)'
% Original design (identity permutation)
t = glm_quick_t(Y, X, pXX, pX, df, c);
uncZ = spm_t2z(t,df); %report Z scores so DF not relevant
if nPerms < 2
    threshMin = -Inf;
    threshMax = Inf;
% Things to track over permutations
peak = nan(nPerms,1);
nadir = nan(nPerms,1);
peak(1) = max(t);
nadir(1) = min(t);
YY= gpuArray(Y);
cc= gpuArray(c); 
GPU_pXX = gpuArray(pXX);
for p = 2:nPerms
    Xp  = X(randperm(n), :);
    GPU_Xp = gpuArray(Xp);
    %pXX = pinv(Xp)*pinv(Xp)'; %??? supposedly not require- reusable?
    pXp = GPU_pXX * GPU_Xp'; % = pinv(Xp)
    tp  = glm_quick_t(YY, GPU_Xp, GPU_pXX, pXp, df, cc);
    c = gather(tp(:));
    peak(p) = max(c);
    nadir(p) = min(c);
threshMin = permThreshLowSub (nadir, kPcrit);
threshMax = permThreshHighSub (peak, kPcrit);
threshMin = spm_t2z(threshMin,df); %report Z scores so DF not relevant
threshMax = spm_t2z(threshMax,df); %report Z scores so DF not relevant
%end glm_permSub()

function s = glm_quick_t(y, X, pXX, pX, df, c)
b = pX * y;                     % parameters
y = y - X * b;                  % residuals
s = sum(y .* y);                % sum squared error
s = sqrt(s .* (c'*pXX*c) / df); % standard error
s = c'*b ./ s;                  % t-statistic
%end glm_quick_t()

function thresh = permThreshLowSub (permScores, kPcrit)
permScores = sort(permScores(:));
thresh =permScores(round(numel(permScores) * kPcrit));
%report next most significant score in case of ties
permScores = permScores(permScores < thresh);
if ~isempty(permScores)
    thresh = max(permScores(:));

function thresh = permThreshHighSub (permScores, kPcrit)
permScores = sort(permScores(:),'descend');
thresh =permScores(round(numel(permScores) * kPcrit));
%report next most significant score in case of ties
permScores = permScores(permScores > thresh);
if ~isempty(permScores)
    thresh = min(permScores(:));

neurolabusc avatar Sep 24 '19 13:09 neurolabusc

@neurolabusc So, the custom code modification is required for the cuda utilization for PALM?

iPsych avatar Dec 30 '21 11:12 iPsych

Permutation thresholding is an example of an embarrassingly parallel task that can be accelerated by running variations on different cores simultaneously. One can use parfor to leverage multiple CPUs at the same time. Alternatively, if you have a NVidia CUDA-compatible graphics card you can use gpuarray. Both require the Parallel Computing Toolbox.

  • parfor is easy to implement. Only the outer loop is modified.
  • gpuarray: The advantage of using the GPU is they have thousands of (slow) cores, while most computers have a dozen or less (fast) CPU cores. However, there is a huge time penalty for copying memory between the GPU and the CPU. Therefore, if you want to use the GPU, you need to specify what data is to be computed on the GPU and do all the processing on the GPU prior to returning the results to the CPU. That explains why the example above keeps everything on the GPU. To implement this, you would have two blocks of code: one for the CPU and one for the GPU if it is available.

neurolabusc avatar Dec 30 '21 12:12 neurolabusc