> Inspect the double. Whole number part only? Pure-date. Fractional part only with leading 0? Pure-time. Both? Complete date-time. It is the number format that decides how values are printed...
> I am sorry, but "kind of works" is not really good enough. Sure, looking for "1899-12-31" would be ok, but any recent date at exactly midnight, while improbable, is...
Here's an example of the same values repeated, but with different number formats for date-only, time-only or both in each row:  If we were to implement OA dates in...
@jbrockerville It is important to understand how number formats work when your requirement is to produce output similar to Excel. Feels like we're missing the full picture and only discussing...
Essentially yes, that's the idea. The user is given a list of strings with rendering hints + global color/alignment info. Alternatively, the library could of returned a single string with...
Hi! Thanks for this. Indeed Excel (2016) accepts any non-token literals in number formats, and so should this library. Surprised this wasn't caught before, although if you input that number...
Hi @madelson, I know there are many similarities between the .NET and Excel formats such that many strings work with either, but I'm also pretty sure there are sufficient differences...
Hi, Thanks for the report. Indeed, the change is source compatible, but apparently not binary compatible. Makes sense to reintroduce the original function signature!
Adding this report from "Alan" via's "Contact Package Owners" feature: > Upgraded ClosedXML from 0.95.3 to 0.95.4 Upgraded DocumentFormat.OpenXml from 2.7.2 to 2.13.0 Upgraded ExcelNumberFormat from 1.0.10 to 1.1.0...
@igitur That would certainly help resolving the issue.